If Seasteading becomes a reality, 70% of the surface of the Earth becomes more viable to use..
Oh, goody!
A bigger couch to poop on! :lfao:
Seriously, John? Given the evidence of.....I dunno, what did I say before?
Oh, yeah:
all of recorded human history. There is nothing whatsoever that demonstrated that, given your "if" (a pretty big one, and not at all the theme of this thread), we wouldn't just start crapping up the oceans even more than we already have:
The acidity of the surface water in your region of the Pacific has increased 30% in the last 50 years or so, due to atmospheric CO2.
Some scientists say that
it will increase by 170% or more in the near future.
Due to a variety of factors, most especially overfishing,
edible fish populations world wide have declined by 55% over the last 50 years.
In the North Atlantic,
edible fish populations have declined by 66%., and, in some cases, by 90%.
Some reports
project world fish stocks to be almost completely depleted by 2048-that's well within your lifetime, and possibly even within mine.
There are huge energy resources in the oceans and huge potential for food production. There is also a real possibility to clean up the mess of previous generations.
So, what you're proposing is more "Sea
raping," then, with some
pooping on the bigger couch.

I mean, see above in re: "huge potential for food production."
So, is a "degraded" environment and diminished amount of resources inevitable? Not in the near future, IMHO if this is the direction that humanity moves.
And what, exactly-since you seem to want to go there- controls "the direction humanity moves?"
I mean, what sort of organism degrades its environment to such an extent that it will become unusable-sees that that is the direction in which it is heading, and does nothing about it?
I mean, given our history-
all of recorded human history-we've pretty much
always just used stuff up, and thrown the waste where it was convenient, but we're more advanced now, right? We know better, right? We can see that it's not in our interests to act that way, right? We can see that it's not in our interests to do so, right? You and I are agreed on that: human behavior needs to change, so, what kind of organism behaves this way?
not one acting from intelligence, or even its "full capacity to reason."
What is it, then, that makes humankind
continue to act against our own interests?
Well, whose interests is it in for us to do so? To plead about the "loss of quality of life" that less energy use would result in-to claim that green sources are not reliable enough or big enough to support the lifestyles to which we've become accustomed? To insist that pollution controls are not necessary, or, worse yet (to them) increase costs? To encourage consumption to the point of extinction-or, in the case of water, to the point of no longer being readily available?
Corporations. Corporations drive this ideology-it is in their interests to maintain the status-quo, and maintain or increase profits.
As an erudite and not so wise friend aptly said:
You can see this ideology in the word choices people use to describe things and in the hyperbole they use heat their opinions. Once you SEE the ideology, you can begin the process of understanding where it appears in your thoughts.
I have to add, I'm struck by the passion with which you've embraced this corporate ideology, though it is ironic, given that you've
chosen to live on islands that get
85% of their electrical power from imported petroleum,
That import 85-90% of their food.
That rely on surface water and rain cachement for the majority of their potable water.
Really, John-could you have chosen a place that is any less sustainable for the size of its population at any given time? :lfao:
I mean, under the right circumstances of "national disaster," or worldwide emergency-never mind the "inevitable degradation and diminishing of resources," yours will be almost
immediately diminished and degraded. Unless you have a "bug-out" boat, or some other plan to get yourselves off island, you and your family will likely
die, or, given Hawaii's history,
be eaten. :lfao: