Here is the information about quite different Martial Arts school.
Whole the teaching of this school is getting by personal transcendental experience during 2001-2002 years.It is not based on existing Martial Arts schools,although has all of traditional japanese martial arts school's features.
Schools includes the art of fencing with japanese swords and the art of attack and defence without weapons.
People,who is interesting in it ,may mail me at : krshna.geo@yahoo.com
Whole the teaching of this school is getting by personal transcendental experience during 2001-2002 years.It is not based on existing Martial Arts schools,although has all of traditional japanese martial arts school's features.
Schools includes the art of fencing with japanese swords and the art of attack and defence without weapons.
People,who is interesting in it ,may mail me at : krshna.geo@yahoo.com