Hobbies...hmmm....I put my B.Mus. to good use by playing bass in a classic rock cover band with my friends
My serious hobbies are photography and hiking, preferably combined. I'm not a particularly good hiker, but I think I'm turning in to a decent photographer. I love northern New England, esp. the White Mountains region. I love it so much, I'm trying to position myself as a local artisan for the area, trying to get my captures of local images in to local hotels and restaurants. A major restaurant in the region has my work on permanent display and a couple local hotels/inns have been expressing interest. My 'dream' is to promote not just my art but the region/state as well. I'd like to help keep our economy strong, and perhaps someday work with the state's department of tourism.
Its probably not a "typical" track for a photographer to take, but when you do what you love, it feels less like work and more like fun. I'd like to give a shot at having fun with this for awhile. If it doesn't work out, I may try something different.
What is a "not particularly good hiker", Carol? Do you fall down a lot?
I try to do some woodworking on occasion, limited because my shop is my backyard, and I have a 2 and a half year old... I mountain bike, occasionally, more occasionally than I'd like because I have a 2 and a half year old. I work out; fortunately the gym has a child sitting service because I have a 2 and a half year old. I read, mostly SF&F, though far from exclusively, but not nearly as much as I might like because I have a 2 and a half year old.
Oh... and I have a two and half year old to keep me on my toes!