Other competitions?


Brown Belt
I know MMA is more or less seen as the top-level kind of competition for martial arts, but has anyone ever considered or competed in the following tournaments?

Shidokan: called the "The Triathlon of Martial Arts", matches consist of two to three rounds (championship bouts) each of bare-knuckle, full-contact karate, Muay Thai kickboxing, and grappling.

Kyokushin: "knock-down" tournaments that utilize little, if any, protection (eg. padded or bare-knuckle); and the 50-man or 100-man Kumite, which consists of one person taking on one fighter after another.

Sabaki Challenge: more or less like the Kyokushin kncok-dowm tournaments.

They all seem pretty intense in ther own right.
I have done knockdown before, but I have not competed for a while(though I am thinking of going back).

As far as Sabaki Challenge goes, I have considered trying it out, but I don't have the time to train for it right now, the same reason I have not went back to knockdown.

They are intense, but in different ways.
I have done knockdown before, but I have not competed for a while(though I am thinking of going back).

As far as Sabaki Challenge goes, I have considered trying it out, but I don't have the time to train for it right now, the same reason I have not went back to knockdown.

They are intense, but in different ways.
Do those kinds of tournaments favor the hosting styles, or are the rules pretty fair for all kinds of strikers?
I have never felt like I had any unfair disadvantage or that the host style had any advantage. As long as you know the rules, you have the same chance as the other guys competing.
I have never felt like I had any unfair disadvantage or that the host style had any advantage. As long as you know the rules, you have the same chance as the other guys competing.
That's good. I've always been the smaller guy when it came to sparring, and as such, I guess you could say my defense has more moving and evading, than trying to block attacks directly.
That's good. I've always been the smaller guy when it came to sparring, and as such, I guess you could say my defense has more moving and evading, than trying to block attacks directly.

That is the reason why they have weight classes. Given that some have a pretty broad seperation between the top and bottom of the class.

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