
Thanks for the detailed info on that.
It made me look up more on the way of Japanese sitting, found that the formal seiza was originally meant for criminals to sit when facing court and waiting for their judgement, evolved to the way guest should sit when meeting with superior officials (their legs would quickly numb and so eliminate possibility for quick hostile actions agains the official
I was once at a very modern Shingon temple in Tokyo (Fukagawa Fudo-do) observing the goma fire ritual! Some of the worshippers were sitting through the 45 minute ceremony in seiza. I was amazed. Then one young woman got up to have her handbag blessed (🤷🏾) and promptly fell flat over; her legs were completely numb. A few of us rushed over to give assistance and her legs were moved around and massaged and it took a quite a few minutes before she could attempt to stand up and hobble to the alter and get her handbag blessed! I could not have even stayed still in seiza for more than 4-5 minutes
I was once at a very modern Shingon temple in Tokyo (Fukagawa Fudo-do) observing the goma fire ritual! Some of the worshippers were sitting through the 45 minute ceremony in seiza. I was amazed. Then one young woman got up to have her handbag blessed (🤷🏾) and promptly fell flat over; her legs were completely numb. A few of us rushed over to give assistance and her legs were moved around and massaged and it took a quite a few minutes before she could attempt to stand up and hobble to the alter and get her handbag blessed! I could not have even stayed still in seiza for more than 4-5 minutes
I had considered Fudo Myoo for my full chest tattoo piece.
Oh he’s really cool! What did you go for instead?
That’s my final frontier. I’m undecided as yet. We have done several dry runs with stencil and drawing but I’m not satisfied yet. We plan to finish my suit within the next 2 years. My tattooist is retiring to Asia. I plan to meet him in Japan to have the final touches done by one of the members of his tattoo family there performed te bori style.
Fudo Myoō would be very cool or, to be a bit different from the crowd, Marishiten who is the deity of warriors partly because she could move as fast as light and thus appear invisible to any enemy! It seems more apt for a martial artist.
Fudo Myoō would be very cool or, to be a bit different from the crowd, Marishiten who is the deity of warriors partly because she could move as fast as light and thus appear invisible to any enemy! It seems more apt for a martial artist.
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Wow! Great! Thanks! I actually really like the imagery of this print. I just sent this image to my tattooist. Here is a fudo full back. The reason I avoided it was because abuse I’ve seen it too many times. Marishiten is a far less common topic for irezumi.
Marishiten was originally a woman but the patriarchal societies of China and Japan, transitioned her to a man! I think the female depiction is far nicer.

Here is a male depiction in some ‘oracle cards’ I have
I have seen educational establishments in Japan discipline students for using this and to greet people with Ohayo gozaimasu or konichwa.
Ahhhh. Marici is the Indian version? I’ve seen a female multi armed deity in a chariot drawn by boars. Is that also her? I believe she also is the Queen of heaven in Taoism.
All Buddhist deities are of Indian origin but they’ve been transmogrified as they’ve passed through Chyyy-Nah (the proper way to say it now, it seems 🙄) Korea and Japan.
Your left heel should be pressing against one’s anus. I kid you not! It is supposed to be the position and
I tried this now, and I get your point. I can manage to get the heels on the inner side of whatever the "sit bones" are called. To hit bulls eye, I need to choose one and have a straight back. Can't do both at once.

But this gives a lower seiza. When I look at other kyokushin mates, I think some of them probably do it properly, but not all, as they have trouble with it. But I have never had an instructor order the class everyone pushups because someone fails to to this properly.

Sometime that does happens if many forget the kiai, lack dedication or if noone acqknowledge instructions with osu.
armoured samurai could sit in and still move rapidly in all directions (in seiza, it is said one can really more forward).
Ah, this is an argument of logic - if it holds, as it applies to efficiency of fighting, at least in theory, I buy it any time of day! over pure aesthetical arguments.
I think the more classical martial ways, this kind of thing is emphasised to elevate them into ‘art’ rather than effective forms of fighting.
That makes sense.

I like to think (or wish?) that they can be unified. Ie. that the "art" part is the preferences for "perfection" of at least theoretical effective robust in fighting, as I don't plan to actually engage in right fights (except in the dojo of course).

But we never really practiced the scenario of uke starting in seiza when tori is attacking. That could be interesting. But maybe it's because there is no ground fighting. I assume this would be more relevant for ground fighters? or samurais as you mention?
Can't do both at once.
If you could, you probably wouldn’t also be continent of faeces!😳😁
But this gives a lower seiza.
If you relax, yes, but ‘martial arts’ seiza is supposed to be an ‘active’ position with the quadriceps tensed so the buttocks are held above the heels rather than sitting on them. Many people sit with the shoulders and upper body completely vertical or leaning backward, the navel pointing upward. This position is incorrect for tactical purposes an and is a relax position to have a cup of tea, Obaasan-style, that is Grandma style! The samurai way of sitting should be with the navel pointing horizontal or downward to the ground and the shoulder/upper body slightly leaning forward, ready to take any forward action needed. For swordmen, a good indicator of a wrong position is to check that in sitting position the sword’s tsuka (handle) is horizontalish or rather, not pointing excessively upward.

Some practitioners sit down in seiza ‘Obaasan style’ and a moment before the kata begins, engage the ‘active position’ rising slightly to indicate aggressive intent.

Just before practitioners
When I look at other kyokushin mates, I think some of them probably do it properly, but not all, as they have trouble with it.
Many Westerners don’t have the flexibility in the quadriceps to sit in seiza. Sometimes I even see Westerners sitting uncomfortably cross legged with their knees point upwards in a ‘V’ shape because of tight leg adductors; not good.
But I have never had an instructor order the class everyone pushups because someone fails to to this properly.
Such a funny way to treat adults!
Sometime that does happens if many forget the kiai, lack dedication or if noone acqknowledge instructions with osu.
😂 Isn’t it better to point out the error so it can be corrected? Admittedly serial non-compliance should result is a moderate beating with thin hazel twigs.
Ah, this is an argument of logic - if it holds, as it applies to efficiency of fighting, at least in theory, I buy it any time of day! over pure aesthetical arguments.
Yes, one can move in all directions from tate hiza but from seiza it is harder to move to the sides or indeed, backwards.
I like to think (or wish?) that they can be unified. Ie. that the "art" part is the preferences for "perfection" of at least theoretical effective robust in fighting, as I don't plan to actually engage in right fights (except in the dojo of course).
Some movements are merely vestigial. A backward sweeping motion of the hand over the sword handle means nothing now, but it was originally to flap long sleeves out of the way so they weren’t grasped with the handle. A curious returning sweep of the right foot to the starting position at the end of a kata (like this ¿) was to sweep away a long hakama hem so you didn’t get you foot tangled up or step on the hem.
But we never really practiced the scenario of uke starting in seiza when tori is attacking. That could be interesting. But maybe it's because there is no ground fighting. I assume this would be more relevant for ground fighters? or samurais as you mention?
We had these kata in Wado Ryu. They were great fun!