Ortiz vs Liddell 3

I have to say unless your older with that burning passion still inside how could one understand chuck well I tell you what I for one sure can, being almost 40 and getting back into martial arts .Now I am not saying I can not get in there tito or anyone like that but i think im far from washed up too and even though some might think i am i beg to differ i think i still can compete at my own level what ever that is now lol
Difference is you haven't been knocked out 5 times in a row and don't sound like you already have brain damage and chuck isn't nearly 40 he's nearly 50. No one is saying he shouldn't do martial arts they're saying he shouldn't be fighting which he absolutely shouldn't did you see the fight? It was horrible to watch. Fact is chuck looked like that against Tito a guy he easily beat twice in his prime. I genuinely don't think there's anyone in Mma he could actually beat at this stage I reckon journeymen would knock him out. Desire and passion have nothing to do with it. He's simply not got it to get in the cage anymore that's life he needs to accept it he's well past his best he wasn't won a fight since 2007. He may love it but he shouldn't be in a ring of any kind at all
You sure make some great points I think he got stunned some how in this fight personally my thinking he also slipped and may have threw him off or injured something in his leg areas.Now to say he couldnt beat anyone I dont know if that is fair at one time he was the best maybe in his class sure time passed him & tito by and they looked in pretty dam good shape there is a huge difference in desire to fight and desire to do marital arts as we all kinda know that is what chuck ment more to say his desire to leave it all in the ring is something as a true fighter you never loose I only did kick boxing matches won 2 lost 1 and threw out my shoulder got type one diabetes and had a daughter all in a small time frame it forced me to give up fighting and martial arts and many other things even working for a long time i really want to do one more kickboxing match but honestly my real thinking is it may have passed me by.A guy just pic another 40 year old to fight these guys knew they were fighting each other well past there prime but I gotta say they both looked in great shape also I'd say to chuck and t hats off for getting in there so old and coming in in good shape and putting it all out there chuck is fine mma is very well refereed usually lol not always but id say your right he should known he was past his prime but i still understand it completely!
You sure make some great points I think he got stunned some how in this fight personally my thinking he also slipped and may have threw him off or injured something in his leg areas.Now to say he couldnt beat anyone I dont know if that is fair at one time he was the best maybe in his class sure time passed him & tito by and they looked in pretty dam good shape there is a huge difference in desire to fight and desire to do marital arts as we all kinda know that is what chuck ment more to say his desire to leave it all in the ring is something as a true fighter you never loose I only did kick boxing matches won 2 lost 1 and threw out my shoulder got type one diabetes and had a daughter all in a small time frame it forced me to give up fighting and martial arts and many other things even working for a long time i really want to do one more kickboxing match but honestly my real thinking is it may have passed me by.A guy just pic another 40 year old to fight these guys knew they were fighting each other well past there prime but I gotta say they both looked in great shape also I'd say to chuck and t hats off for getting in there so old and coming in in good shape and putting it all out there chuck is fine mma is very well refereed usually lol not always but id say your right he should known he was past his prime but i still understand it completely!
Sorry he didn't slip he wasn't injured he was just a shell of his former self and frankly I don't even bye the fact he got in good shape...even in his prime he was never a muscular guy....I think the lack of drug testing may have had something to do with it....at the end of the day fighting is a young mans game I fought for years and now I'm older I don't feel any weaker or slower than I did but I know it'd be totally stupid and dangerous to fight again. No matter how fast I run, how many rounds I spar or how many weights I lift. I'm not as fast as I was, my reflexes aren't as good as they were, my chin isn't as good and my body isn't strong enough to take the pounding. Yeah some older guys can still compete but they're the exception. If Mma was done properly that fight would've never been approved by any commission what so ever. I'm guessing money was changed hands.
You sure make some great points I think he got stunned some how in this fight personally my thinking he also slipped and may have threw him off or injured something in his leg areas.Now to say he couldnt beat anyone I dont know if that is fair at one time he was the best maybe in his class sure time passed him & tito by and they looked in pretty dam good shape there is a huge difference in desire to fight and desire to do marital arts as we all kinda know that is what chuck ment more to say his desire to leave it all in the ring is something as a true fighter you never loose I only did kick boxing matches won 2 lost 1 and threw out my shoulder got type one diabetes and had a daughter all in a small time frame it forced me to give up fighting and martial arts and many other things even working for a long time i really want to do one more kickboxing match but honestly my real thinking is it may have passed me by.A guy just pic another 40 year old to fight these guys knew they were fighting each other well past there prime but I gotta say they both looked in great shape also I'd say to chuck and t hats off for getting in there so old and coming in in good shape and putting it all out there chuck is fine mma is very well refereed usually lol not always but id say your right he should known he was past his prime but i still understand it completely!
He was the best in his time. Honestly the game has evolved so much since then, I'm not sure even Chuck in his prime would wear a belt today.
yes the evolution of all mixed martial art sports i think has really peaked and is always a treat to see but also these guys trained with the very best or at least had the chance too you would think i cant say for sure but i know if i had the money and ppl they knew id be at the top my game at any age
And it made no difference....he was losing that fight slip or no slip he looked awful hitting pads let alone fighting. Don't know why your making excuses for his loss. The guy was completely out of his prime years ago he took to much damage and abused his body with alcohol (and probably drugs) over the years if he wants to be around the sport he should be a trainer but that's the closest he should be getting to any form of ring
Well thats the guys choice though is what I am saying & lets point out the fact they both knew they fighting a guy way past there prime that they fought twice had a grudge kinda but also figured he could easily beat tito given he did it twice not like they fought a young guys , plus this was one them last fight for good type things they both knew that I'm not sure what chucks inner condition was but he looked very good body wise as did tito hell them guys should been retired and stayed that way we all know that but cant tell grown men what to do or how to be as a fighter or who to fight and not fight they went into many fights in there life's im sure that could been more dangerous then them two facing each other given they where both up there significantly in age but we all have are opinions this is just mine!
Well thats the guys choice though is what I am saying & lets point out the fact they both knew they fighting a guy way past there prime that they fought twice had a grudge kinda but also figured he could easily beat tito given he did it twice not like they fought a young guys , plus this was one them last fight for good type things they both knew that I'm not sure what chucks inner condition was but he looked very good body wise as did tito hell them guys should been retired and stayed that way we all know that but cant tell grown men what to do or how to be as a fighter or who to fight and not fight they went into many fights in there life's im sure that could been more dangerous then them two facing each other given they where both up there significantly in age but we all have are opinions this is just mine!
Actually yeah people can tell grown men they can't fight....any doctor not taking a payoff or the athletic commission, or the promotors, or any trainer worth anything who should've refused to train him. The whole point of those people is to protect fighters
well I just dont agree ppl love to see fighting even old men this was just another example clearly of that .Fact is mma is a money sport now the most protection there gonna do is call the fight if it gets too bad were these guys past there prime yes should they of fought no but like i said this goes to show you cant tell ppl what to do case and point .
Actually yeah people can tell grown men they can't fight....any doctor not taking a payoff or the athletic commission, or the promotors, or any trainer worth anything who should've refused to train him. The whole point of those people is to protect fighters

Thats one of the main jobs of the Commissions...to protect the fighters from themselves
we all know that but we also all know it dont take much to go to the next state over until some one approves them in the end ppl find ways around things like this
we all know that but we also all know it dont take much to go to the next state over until some one approves them in the end ppl find ways around things like this

If one state suspends you...all states have to honor the suspension of licenses.

That's why Jon Jones had to get re-instated in Nevada before he could fight in California.
you are correct but getting band and not approved i think are two different things though one can always cross the boarder as well or fly to another country
Really....Dela Hoya should be kicked in the balls for making this fight.....He made this fight as a poke in the eye to Dana White.
Alot folx fight in japan and other countries for them very reasons to avoid the commission as these two would have if they needed to but the boxing commission is bs to me they should have mma and kick boxing commission because boxing commission is not suitable for such wide range of combat sports imho
i dont really blame no one but the fighters this was something they both wanted badly
Yeah and that's the job of the commission to stop fighters taking stupid fights that could get them hurt. If I turn up to the athletic commission and beg them to let me fight Anthony Joshua because I really really really want it do you think they'll give it to me? Fact is there's no way they went through proper medical screening for this. Fact is chuck is lucky to not have died in the cage that night. He got knocked out by Tito Ortiz a wrestler who's as far as I know never had a standing ko in his whole career and Liddell looked pathetic in there. Heck everyone should've seen that from his open workout....he looked worse than a week 1 amateur