michaeledward said:
" Don't pay any attention to the fact the United States spends 50% of all military funds on the planet. The man behind the curtian is not the Great and Powerful Oz".
Remember when I talked about things being too simple to merely deal with in regards to cookies? I don't know if your figures are accurate or not, but the underlying thinking goes straight to the problem.
Well, what about Darfur?
Remember that place? I was reminded of it reading an article about trouble at a refugee camp in Chad where the people were chanting praises of the US and begging for troops to be sent in to protect them.
The figures I have seen are from November, but the best estimates at that time seem to be over 700,000 people killed in the killing by the Janjaweed militias and rebels. Of course, that was a while ago and before the Sudanese government pressed the drive into Chad. The figures are probably much higher now.
So, should we help out, or not?
What does this has to do with military spending? Well, as I said, it is a bit complicated.
Up until now the lead has been the UN in dealing with this. Oh, and the US pays a lot more than any other Security Council member- more than the rest combined IIRC. Japan pays more than any other than the US. People who point to how much we pay in comparison to other countries never seem to mention that as well, even though military might and diplomatic activities seem to go together so much.
Oh, it would be nice if we could let the UN deal with things with only words. But China gets oil from Sudan and won't even let the UN call the deaths of 700,000 people genocide.
Even if the UN did act, who would they expect to send international troops? The African troops have turned out to be useless.
There is a saying that countries should speak softly and carry a big stick. Who has a big stick? Do you think the butchers in Khartoum will listen to folks that merely can tisk tisk at them? Japan spends a lot at the UN, but they would only get giggles if they tried to take the Sudanese to task. They don't fear things like international blockades thanks to their oil deals with China.
Yes we could nuke them. Many nations could nuke them. Nukes are relatively cheap compared to the carrier fleets, etc we have. But do you think that there is a chance that we would be so concerned with the deaths of innocents that we would kill every man, woman and child in their capital? Think about that.
Nukes are useful. If you have them you can tell other people not to invade you or fear their use. If you are scum like the rulers of North Korea you can use them to get what you want by the threat of their use. But if you want to help the children dying in the refugee camps, they are not much use.
There is different types of military power. There are military trainers, planting a carrier group off shore and using selected strikes and then there is putting an 18 year old with a rifle on the ground with all the support and supply that entails.
So, who can do that? France has led limited rescue missions in Africa. Britain sailed half way across the world to take back an island from Argentina. How many nations do you think can sit down at the table with the Sudanese government and have them know that they can put a wide variety of options on the table? That type of variety costs money- Carrier groups, overseas bases, pre- positioned supplies in Diego Garcia, etc.
Is all of the above needed to just protect ourselves? That is another debate that is swept aside in this animation. Should we care about the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Africans or concentrate on just the US? Again, not dealt with. There are some folks that argue that the US can't solve every problem and the US president should work only for the interests of the country that elected him. That is a debate that is not dealt with here. But if we cut back enough so that we spend only enough to protect ourselves, then we take any chance of getting the guys in Khartoum to listen to us. Scum like that will not listen to pleas for humanity or calls to do the right thing. Some folks respect power and nothing else.
Some folks will tell you that, as sad as it is, we should keep our noses out of things like the Darfur mess and just try to work for America. They make some valid points. But do you think the ice cream guy thinks we should turn our back on the deaths of all those hundreds of thousands of children at risk? I can't seem to think so.
Oh, and that is just one aspect of this.
Here is just one more. I live in Japan where the Seventh Fleet is based, nominally to protect Japan.
But the presence of that military might has a far reaching effect on the entire region. Maybe that should be debated before we talk about cookies and cutting back on the budget enough to cause the ships, troops and supplies to be pulled back.
The presence of that fleet is a big power in itself. But it also makes pulling more power into the region quickly a possibility. If you play the game of go you may think of how having a few stones in an otherwise empty corner can be a huge advantage to later plays and the influence you have over that corner. You don't need to slap your stones next to the other guy's stones, just having them there goes a long way.
And having the seventh fleet and the marines in place kind of serves as a check on a lot of ambitions and troubles. If we pull back, some folks probably will move in. China still seeks to be the big player in Asia. They would not need to invade other countries. As I said, just sitting down to the table with other nations with the possibility that you could invade goes a long way in diplomacy. They may increase their spending- which would freak me out, or other nations like Japan might try to increase their spending to avoid being Finlandized- which would freak out a lot of nations in Asia.
But whoever moves in to fill the void left, things would change here in Asia. How it would turn out is up in the air. Should that not be debated a little more seriously than with animations about cookies?
So, should we help the children in Dafur? Do you think that the Sudanese government would take seriously anyone would could not deal with them militarily? That is the type of thing that should be discussed I think. And it is a far more wide reaching debate than simply talking about how much America spends in relation to others.