Opportunities in Ann Arbor to study TCMA


Master Black Belt
Hey everyone,

my best wishes to everyone and hope everything is going well in these Summer months.

I would like to extend an open invitation for an opportunity to train with a Traditional Northern Chinese Martial Arts Sifu with 48 years experience! Who is willing to commute to the Ann Arbor area to instruct classes for those that are interested. This presents a great opportunity to get together train and foster friendships in the Martial Arts Community. The training is sure to compliment the novice student all the way through to the advanced students regardless of discipline.

Sifu Henry Chung is a talented Martial Artist and Teacher alike, everyone is sure to learn something new and get another perspective on Chinese Martial Arts.

Here is a link for info on Sifu Henry Chung:

The training includes Traditional Northern 7 Star Praying Mantis Kung Fu

Sifu Chung also instructs Wu/Chen styles of Taiji Quan as well as Traditional Chinese Qi Gong.

For those that are interested shoot me an email at Tensei85@gmail.com
Here's a few you tube vid's of Sifu Chung:

Sifu Henry Chung- Sigung Chung Ho Yin:
Spear vs 3 section staff (Chiang vs Saam Jin Guan)

Sifu Henry Chung- Double Broadsword (Seung Dao)

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Sifu Chung is phenomenal.

It was a real loss to the Martial Arts community that his father had to stop teaching due to health problems.



I agree totally. Thanks for the nice reps on Sifu Chung.

But at least Chung Ho Yin Sigung is in good health at his retirement home.

Sigung was totally awesome in his day, we seen him take hammers, staffs and whatever people could use and break them across his body (well not break the hammer) and that was in his 70's.
The opportunities I had to train with Sigung were awesome. That man was scary good. I still remember him effortlessly throwing me around like a rag doll when demonstrating applications from Chop Choy.


I agree, I seen him take a few of my Sihing's that were well above 6' and toss them across the room and if that wasn't enough then they would fall over. That was amazing for someone around 5'0 and maybe 130 at best.

Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

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