Open tournament style...

  • Thread starter Thread starter ShaolinWolf
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Hey, I was wondering about this: For Open tournaments, your allowed to wear the uniform of your liking. But are you allowed to wear whatever colored belt you want, be it that your a black belt?

I know Orlanda US Open has the regular division of colored belts and black belts. I think this might be a stupid question, but are you allowed to use whatever sash you want, or does it have to be black? I know wearing a white BELT would look dorky, but what about a white/red/blue/or green sash? I'm talking about wearing this with tournament uniforms, i.e. the sleeveless, the one's with multicolor and also the one's the have zippers, etc. The uniform of your liking...


MichiganTKD said:
This is why I don't go to open tournaments. Power ranger costumes look cool on tv, dorky in real life.
Ummm, I'm leaning toward World Demo costumes, not power rangers...geez!:rolleyes:
ShaolinWolf said:
Hey, I was wondering about this: For Open tournaments, your allowed to wear the uniform of your liking. But are you allowed to wear whatever colored belt you want, be it that your a black belt?

I know Orlanda US Open has the regular division of colored belts and black belts. I think this might be a stupid question, but are you allowed to use whatever sash you want, or does it have to be black? I know wearing a white BELT would look dorky, but what about a white/red/blue/or green sash? I'm talking about wearing this with tournament uniforms, i.e. the sleeveless, the one's with multicolor and also the one's the have zippers, etc. The uniform of your liking...


If its an OPEN style tournament I really don't think it matter what you wear. I personally wouldnt where that flashy of a uniform but many demo teams do so and there is nothing wrong with that. When you ask are you allowed to wear whatever belt you want do you mean if you are a black belt and you want to wear a red belt? If thats what you are getting at why would you want to do so just stick with your own belt. But for OPEN style tournaments really it doesn't matter what kind of uniform you where.
Alrighty, thanks...I was just wondering. I would definitely wear my rank. Just wondering if you'd see anything out of the ordinary...

Littledragon said:
If its an OPEN style tournament I really don't think it matter what you wear. I personally wouldnt where that flashy of a uniform but many demo teams do so and there is nothing wrong with that. When you ask are you allowed to wear whatever belt you want do you mean if you are a black belt and you want to wear a red belt? If thats what you are getting at why would you want to do so just stick with your own belt. But for OPEN style tournaments really it doesn't matter what kind of uniform you where.

I think it may matter. If you end up wearing one of these get ups, you'll probably find people bolting from you when you enter the showers. :uhyeah: