Considering the power of lobbyists in the US, I fear we've already crossed that line. Drugs and additives are put on the market without proper testing after favors are pulled, Development Deals and tax breaks are tacked onto laws being passed after contributions are made, etc. Martha Stewart went to jail, but how many S&L, Enron or Worldcom execs did? The crazy pricing of gas is constantly "investigated" but no wrongdoing is ever found...investigated by the same people who get substantial contributions from the oil and gas lobbys. How much money has Bush, Cheney, Rice and Rumsfield made from their investments and connections with companies involved in the reconstruction of Iraq?
A modern government today is supported by the donations of it's corporate sponsors.
All over the world, the privacy of the average citizen is decreasing. More and more cameras are being installed. Several communities have installed 'face recognition software' despite incredible bugs and low accuracy. Borders are closing, and more and more 'paperwork' is required to cross once free borders. Bills have been discovered hidden in laws that would have greatly increased who can see your private information such as tax data. Already, credit histories and medical records are being accessed by employers and insurers to determine your hireability, employability or insurability. In the US, landlords demand your SSN# despite having no legal right to it, and are allowed to not rent to you if you fail to provide them with that which they have no right. The President of the United States, sworn to defend the US Constitution and the freedoms which it guarantees it's citizens has signed into law numerous privacy eroding acts, as well as complained that the government spying on it's own citizens was acceptable and that the Constitution was only in the way.
When those you trust to do what they have sworn to do fail, what recourse does the average citizen have? After all, long gone are the days when a small militia could be raised, forged into a fieldable army and used to topple a totalitarian regime in this nation. 200 guys with Walmart specials ain't going to last long against even a 6 man army fire team. The army guys just have better toys....and a shot gun vs an Abrams just isn't a fair fight. Just ask about 10,000 dead combatants in Iraq. It's not likely we can vote the sobs out, especially when we allow electronic 'no accountability' voting machines such as the easily hacked and extremely buggy Diabold "we're happy to award this election to Pres. Bush" (quote of Diabold principle prior to 2004 election) voting machines.