Online Sai Kata?


Brown Belt
Founding Member
Nov 27, 2001
Reaction score
The 7th layer of Hell. Wisconsin, to the rest of y

I am trying to gain an understanding of my favorite weapon, the sai. I purchased a book, probably very well known, "Sai: Karate Weapon of self-defense", by Fumio Demura. I am also looking to find any additional sai katas online, as I want to be able to move with the weapons. Anybody have any links, or maybe comments from personal experience?

Site seems to be password protected now.

I just played a Sai kata video. No connection problems. Loved the clasical music in the background too :)
Is it just me or was the video (filming) quality poor?
Half the time I couldn't really see what the guy was doing becuase it was so grainy.
Since the videos only work part of the time. How do you copy them to your harddrive so you can watch them anytime?


Nevermind, I was brainfarting and was trying to save it through WMP instead of just rightclicking it and using the "save target as" funtion.
Well, I was finally able to access the video files. Unfortunately, the quality is so poor, it's almost painful to watch. No matter what size I viewed the files at, the resolution and level of artifacting was horrendous.

Hello, I just bought a pair of Sai's and a couple of books. We have no one with experience here. Thanks for the info.....aloha
still learning said:
Hello, I just bought a pair of Sai's and a couple of books. We have no one with experience here. Thanks for the info.....aloha
The sai is not an easy weapon to master even with a teacher so I am wondering how you will be able to do it with just a book.
Well, hopefully one's expectations are not to master anything from a book. Learn and experiment with, OK. If mastering ANYTHING were easy there'd be a whole lot of "masters" running around...oh...wait....nevermind.
well, hopefully one's expectations are not to master anything from a book. Learn and experiment with, ok. If mastering anything were easy there'd be a whole lot of "masters" running around...oh...wait....nevermind.

I did a post about the sai not that long ago. Your best bet is to go to your nearest Japanese martial art dojo( for me it was a shotokan karate school ) and ask the instuctor if he has done anything with weapons. If your lucky like I was the instuctor will help you. Its so much easier when you have some one to show you the little things
Some of those videos look kind of sloppy to me. Tokomine no kun with the hands so close to the center of the bo?? For higher quality videos, search through Sensei Radunz's YouTube channel. He is not my sensei, but studied under the same sensei as my sensei did. He is a bit quick at times thought so it may be hard to see what he is doing. These are all Isshin-ryu kata and techniques. But as others have said, I will also stress. Find a teacher to teach you. There is so much that a book or video can't teach you. I don't know exactly where you are from in Wisconsin but I know a guy who teaches kubudo in Mankato MN that is amazing. My sensei is actually taking instruction from him in Kubudo, as he style was taken from the teachings of Taira Shinken Who taught Tatsuo much of what he used in his system.
Hi everyone.. First and foremost I am glad I found a discussion group that could possibly help me in finding some training in a Koryu martial art. I currently reside in Virginia. I have bounced around from Dojo to Dojo in search of something not really knowing what I am in search of. I have done a good deal of research on Taijutsu and found I am torn between the Jinenkan and the Genbukan organization's. Any feed back on these two? Also does any one know whom, if any one that is training these arts in Virginia specifically Richmond and surrounding areas( I am looking for true Kobudo, nothing watered down). Any help is greatly appreciated.
Christan Smith
Hi everyone.. First and foremost I am glad I found a discussion group that could possibly help me in finding some training in a Koryu martial art. I currently reside in Virginia. I have bounced around from Dojo to Dojo in search of something not really knowing what I am in search of. I have done a good deal of research on Taijutsu and found I am torn between the Jinenkan and the Genbukan organization's. Any feed back on these two? Also does any one know whom, if any one that is training these arts in Virginia specifically Richmond and surrounding areas( I am looking for true Kobudo, nothing watered down). Any help is greatly appreciated.
Christan Smith

Hey Christian? Word of advice. Randomly bouncing from thread to thread that is (at best) pseudo-related to your question isn't the best way to get answers here. Find the appropriate forum (judging from your question, I'd say the ninjutsu section) and post a new question there. Much easier that way :)
Not exactly a serious suggestion here ... but I am utterly unapologetic ... here is the only sai training video any man ever needs:


I can't comment on the accuracy of the techniques ... :lol: