Online Game Notice! Legend of the Green Dragon

Originally posted by TheRustyOne
RumRunner prolly put the bounty on my head...

*growls and shakes fist* Hey, dude, watch out for the ground!

pfftts.. just cuz I have a bounty on my head doesnt' mean you have to hunt me down.. *snarls*

*sharpens my shiney bloody hoe*

Y'all are getting bloodthirsty....I counted so many severed heads today, why, we had to put em all on spikes by the old crones house.

Originally posted by KenpoTess
pfftts.. just cuz I have a bounty on my head doesnt' mean you have to hunt me down.. *snarls*

*sharpens my shiney bloody hoe*


OOPS TOO LATE. Really REALLY shouldnt sleep in the fields with 3k gold on you... Well, no, you should, becuase now i ahve your head, 3k gold, and the bounty! :rofl:

I appreiciate the nice pair of Pants those 3k gave me.
Originally posted by Technopunk
OOPS TOO LATE. Really REALLY shouldnt sleep in the fields with 3k gold on you... Well, no, you should, becuase now i ahve your head, 3k gold, and the bounty! :rofl:

I appreiciate the nice pair of Pants those 3k gave me.
You are so lucky I am too high a level to come after you....
I've never played role playing games before, I'm having the dickens of a time figuring it all out.

Anywhere I can read up on it or this one in particular.
RPG 101 kinda thing.



Never mind I found the FAQ section. Thank God!!!
News for Fri, Sep 26, 2003
Farmboy Silver RumRunner defeated Farmgirl Tess by sneaking in to their room in the inn!
Farmboy Silver RumRunner collected 2400 gold bounty by turning in Farmboy Prince_Blight's head!
Farmboy Silver RumRunner defeated Farmboy Prince_Blight by sneaking in to their room in the inn!

Hey, there's a bounty on my head, so i just gotta make it worthwhile...
Although its ONLY 2400... youd think with all the people Ive murdered it would be higher. Sheesh. Whats a Pirate gotta do to attain Mass Murderer Status in this game???

Actually Tess, this was a mistake this time for real... for some reason I thought I was gonna be waxing RUSTY and didnt realize until after i killed you and didnt get a bounty that it was YOU not HER. Oh well... live (er, or not, in your case, :rofl: ) and learn

And Master Groin Booter, stop leveling up and you will have your chance...
You hit Carrot Top for 13 points of damage!
Carrot Top tries to hit you but you RIPOSTE for 9 points of damage!
That has got to be the most satisfying kill you ever made.
You have slain Carrot Top!

YEP. That about sums it up
*growls deeply at RumRunner...

I didn't know I had all that gold last night.. last I knew I was kinda broke.. grrrs.. and and I thought I would be safe in the Inn.. you beast you~!!!!!

*plotting diabolical nonsense against a certain Pirate*
~ ~ ~ Fight ~ ~ ~
You have encountered Pervy Hobbit Fancier which lunges at you with Blade Mastery!

Level: 7
Start of round:
Pervy Hobbit Fancier's Hitpoints: 33
YOUR Hitpoints: 61
You execute a power move!!!
You hit Pervy Hobbit Fancier for 34 points of damage!
Don't touch Master Frodo...or Sam will Kill You.
You have slain Pervy Hobbit Fancier!
A certain Groin Booter killed me in my sleep for my bounty.
How could he??? I thought we were friends. :wah:

Dot aka farmgirl Dulcie
Well gee Dot, Least you got killed for money.. I got killed just to kill me.. by Kamelmatlock..errr whate'ver his name is~!!!!

*growls... at all men
Originally posted by KenpoGirl
A certain Groin Booter killed me in my sleep for my bounty.
How could he??? I thought we were friends. :wah:

Dot aka farmgirl Dulcie
Bounty Hunters need to eat to. I just did it for the money. Technopunk on the other hand, him, I'll do for free......
I can see he and I are going to have a running battle.....
When will I get the chance to kill someone?
Whenever I go into the Slay section it says I have 3 pvp but I go to warrior list and I get nothing. :(

It just ain't FAIR!!!! :waa:
*is heard raging..

Farmboy Prince_Blight has been slain when he attacked Farmgirl Tess in The Fields.
"A baby could wield a Shovel better than that!" Farmgirl Tess proclaims.

who needs enemies when you thought you had friends~!!!!

Squire Kamattlock attacked you in The Inn with his Well Crafted Iron Sword, and defeated you!

You noticed he had an initial hp of 98 and just before you died he had 15 remaining.

As a result, you lost 5% of your experience (approximately 540 points), and 0 gold. They also received 0 in bounty gold.

Don't you think it's time for some revenge?

man pick on someone your own size ~!!!!
I'd be happy to decapitate him for ya...and me...but the coward went and took out the dragon n went back to zero...
So, I'm waiting.....

Gonna be damn sure to wack him good....

Oh.... anyone know a good use for $40,000 gold? :D I seem to have a surplus....

Wish it was gems.....

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