So what you are saying is that Krav Maga can work on it's own in an MMA-setting... as long as you cross train in BJJ, Wrestling, Muay Thai, etc.? Well, then we are in agreement it seems, as you just confirmed my statement that Krav Maga on it's own is insufficient for MMA.
No, I said it was those other styles such as Aikido, Karate, etc. are the ones that need to crosstrain in the grappling arts in order to make their base MA work, WELL, in MMA. While Krav Maga, in general, is already stealing most of its standup techniques from Muay Thai and most of its grappling ones from BJJ....which therefore, makes it MMA Lite....and I'm speaking from the KM federation that I trained under.
MMA fighting itself, can be extremely uncomplicated when compared to say, Sports BJJ. Worm guard, X-Guard, 50/50 Guard, etc....all of that can be significantly limited by punching the guy in the face. To fight MMA, you really don't need to get super good & technical at BJJ to do well. What's taught in Krav Maga, level 4 and up, is sufficient for MMA fighting. At least at the Krav joint that I trained at. But in general, people who wants to fight MMA, wouldn't go to a Krav class because it's more geared towards women, old people and dudes who are scared to spar at full power.
As do all other styles. That still does not make them MMA lite.
Well MMA is not exactly a specific style as it is a specific type of combat sport. You can argue that Mainstream MMA, currently, is a combo of BJJ + MT. But in the last 10 years, Boxing + Wrestling proved their effectiveness and now Wrestling is creeping it's way towards being the dominant grappling art for MMA. And there's currently a lot more, technical, Boxing "hands being thrown" in MMA than ever before, IMO. Then there are the oddballs, such as Machida and his Shotokan Karate. St. Pierre and his Karate. Chuck Liddell is a Karateka also. Petis, a TKD. And these guy rose to the very top of MMA. But yes, they also crosstrain ground-fighting. MMA can be almost anything...but it doesn't mean that such anything can win fights. But Krav Maga is a lot more like MMA Lite than say Karate or Kung-Fu by themselves are.