I think I'm one step closer to online classes. The only thing I need to figure out now is how long should I spend for the basic techniques. I don't want to go to fast and I don't want to go too slow. Some things that take just take time to learn even though it's basic.
First techniques to be taught.
How to make a fist, what parts of the fist to use, what makes a fist strong / week. Fist structure concepts.
How to stand. Stance training (I know some people don't like it but strong and mobile legs are important)
Conditioning exercises for building up strong punching structure and stance structure.
Basic long fist punch for my system + Jab, hook, uppercut, lead punch and rear punch.
This alone is a lot once you start breaking it down. Beginners won't have much of a choice, Those who already train a fighting system will learn some of this faster simply because they already know it. I've been thinking of requiring that students take a test via video where they have to show me the content they are learning from various angles before next lesson videos are released.
I'm also thinking 1 - 2 hour live training sessions. First hour conditioning class, 2nd hour is Technique class.
I'm trying to get it so that the exercises can be done via a phone or inside watching TV. I'm thinking of Indoor format and outdoor format. For the outdoor format I'm thinking of someone with a phone and headset. Everything will be done time based and not repetition based. If you want more reps then you'll have to move faster.
Forget that you know me and give me your honest thoughts about this. Does any of this sound interesting?
First techniques to be taught.
How to make a fist, what parts of the fist to use, what makes a fist strong / week. Fist structure concepts.
How to stand. Stance training (I know some people don't like it but strong and mobile legs are important)
Conditioning exercises for building up strong punching structure and stance structure.
Basic long fist punch for my system + Jab, hook, uppercut, lead punch and rear punch.
This alone is a lot once you start breaking it down. Beginners won't have much of a choice, Those who already train a fighting system will learn some of this faster simply because they already know it. I've been thinking of requiring that students take a test via video where they have to show me the content they are learning from various angles before next lesson videos are released.
I'm also thinking 1 - 2 hour live training sessions. First hour conditioning class, 2nd hour is Technique class.
I'm trying to get it so that the exercises can be done via a phone or inside watching TV. I'm thinking of Indoor format and outdoor format. For the outdoor format I'm thinking of someone with a phone and headset. Everything will be done time based and not repetition based. If you want more reps then you'll have to move faster.
Forget that you know me and give me your honest thoughts about this. Does any of this sound interesting?