This was a well-said and respectfully stated post and I appreciate hearing your experience on it. I'm in agreement, except that I'm more open-minded than you, I think, on marijuana. I don't mean to mock what you say at all but please understand that as I read it I couldn't help but see the analogy to my position on the main subject at hand (changed items in bold):
This debate always seems to circle around the "they are not hurting anyone" point. It's always framed as the harmless gun owner. The mellow NRA member storing guns in his basement, someone just using firearms as a hobby...whats the harm to anyone else but them thing.
A large chunk of my job is fielding complaints of "gun activity going on at my neighbors house"...most of which isn't really about the guns as much as it is about the types of people who are gun enthusiasts contaminating the neighborhood with their ********.
Of course handguns and assault rifles are not equal in same way that cigarettes and heroin are not the same. I've been on record here before saying that legalization of personal use handguns wouldn't drive me crazy
in the end the people in my Town obviously don't want open-carrying gun nuts with assault rifles in their neighborhoods based on the calls, complaints at public meetings and letters I receive