on the left hand side..


Master Black Belt
Something i would like to share to all teachers, parents...all people

Recently, after trying very hard to help many people and be kind in many ways and tough some, i started to see a patern happening. I noticed how much strength, love and courage it takes to be optimistic and positive when it comes to giving people advice. How much helpful as well as destructive power is involved. I started to remember that story from the new testament where Jesus tells the diciples to cast the net on the left side of the boat. Sure enough, they caught a bunch of fish.

So basically, i thought that in life, it's wonderful to do things together but what's most important, is to be together in spirit. So when someone tells you about his hobby, you can show interest, maybe ask some questions, and if you are a master of one field, you can stretch your mind a bit to try to give a person some pointers and ideas. When someone tells you about their project or their neutral or positive beliefs, you can encourage them on their way. Cast the net to the left... you don't tell them that it's a waste of time what they want to do. You don't give them cash to go buy some fish from the market. You don't tell them that their enterprise is doomed for faluire when the power is in your hands too. You don't even say that you can do it better and steal the idea only to become nothing. Not saying to be completely unrealistic but to be completely suportive and helpful.

I like bmx bikes. -
That was a test..

Basically, if you have read this, you'd be wise to take it to ****in heart.

Any thoughts?
