upnorthkyosa's ice fishing adventure - possibly a pitiful attempt at humor...oh well!


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor

So, I get this letter from my buddy in Hawaii. He is a Minnesota expatriot and he moved to Hawaii a few years ago to live out his dream.

Anyway, his letter contained an article of him surfing with all of these superhot babes and he was like, "Dude, this is what I'm doing with my time."

So I was like, "You don't know what you are missing!"

Thus, the following project was put together. I am sending the following set of videos to him one at a time. I tried to make them funny. As in, I tried to present several subtle (and some not so sublte) charicatures of the MN preoccupation with ice fishing.

It was really hard not to go overboard with this and make it an outright parody...which wasn't my intent. My intent was to throw a kind of weird curveball where it's kind of funny and kind of close to home and and definitely NOT as cool as surfing with a bunch of hot chicks.

So, tell me what you think? Is this totally bogus or does this do the trick?
Not bad at all. I liked the Luddite and his Ice Auger. Close second was the big catch. Usually that is exactly what my Ice fishing catches really were, one reason I gave it up.
Thanks, Bydand. What did ya think of the accent? I tried to do it up a tad...my friend always teases me about it, so what the heck, I say.

The funny thing is that there are really people who sound like that. Many have thicker accents! Heck, if you didn't live here, you may have a hard time understanding it!
Thanks, Bydand. What did ya think of the accent? I tried to do it up a tad...my friend always teases me about it, so what the heck, I say.

The funny thing is that there are really people who sound like that. Many have thicker accents! Heck, if you didn't live here, you may have a hard time understanding it!

Talk to me about some heavy accents. I graduated High School from Sault Ste. Marie, MI and have a cousin that lives in MN. There were times over there I was wondering if I was in the same universe. Have to admit though, the accent on your videos, I figured was your regular one seeing how you are from WI. :) So I guess that means it came out perfect.
Talk to me about some heavy accents. I graduated High School from Sault Ste. Marie, MI and have a cousin that lives in MN. There were times over there I was wondering if I was in the same universe. Have to admit though, the accent on your videos, I figured was your regular one seeing how you are from WI. :) So I guess that means it came out perfect.

Hey now, I'm no cheesehead! I spent 26 good years in MN before crossing the Chedder Curtain! :)
I can detect a little bit of Walter Matheau in the material ....

I still think fishing requires one to stand in the water, not on the water. I got myself a very nice bamboo rod this weekend. Don't think I'll be able to put it in the water until late April. Although, I may get in the water with one of my graphite rods before then.
I still think fishing requires one to stand in the water, not on the water.

Come on, Mike, ya gotta get with the program. This is sport where every MN gets to play Jesus!

Now, I need to get down to business when it comes to that fish miracle. Perhaps the variation where the fish just gets bigger instead of multiplying...

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