on kata in three demensions


Senior Master
This is a some what random question, but sae la vie. So does any one here do kata in differnit ways. Perhaps an explanation is in order.
Taekyoku 1 (the Cuong Nhu way, assume the karateka is facing north for this)
step to west, left forward stance, left low block
step forward, right forward stance, right middle punch
turn to east, right forward stance, right low block
step forward, left forward stance, left middle level punch.

O.k, so that's only the first four movements, you get the idea. Has any one here modified it so it would be like this:
step to EAST, right forward stance, right low block
step forward, left forward stance, left middle punch
turn to west, left forward stance, left low block
step forward, right forward stance, right middle punch
and so on.

Anything like that, or any sort of changes at all?
Why do you do it that way?
How do you modify it?
What affects does it make do you think?
How often do you train that way?

To answer my own questions:
My sensei had some of the upper level students do that for an "experiment", and I decided later to try it out. It made me think and gave me a better understanding of the kata's i did that with, so I stuck with it. I don't really get the oppertunity to do ebb kata (as it's called in Cuong Nhu) too much.
This practice is no longer required at Cuong Nhu tests, but many still teach it. We called doing it the normal way (turing to west) flow kata, and backwards (stepping to the east) ebb kata. Like the tides.

Thanks in advanced!!!
We do it all the time - except we call it saju chirugi, or 4 direction punch (Ch'ang H'on TKD). Right 4 direction punch involves stepping with the right foot; left 4 direction punch involves stepping with the left foot.
Yes, I was told that for our Black Belt test we would have to perform all the forms forwards and backwards, and also inverted like you mentioned above. I only have two forms so far, and sensei had us do them inverted just to see if we could the other day.
A different way we have modified this set of forms - We call it "Taikyoku Freeform", and it follows the same pattern of movement -i.e. moves in that "capital I" pattern, and each direction starts with a block followed by a counter, and tries to move always turning into the center, so as not to lose the lessons of the form - but the student improvises the stance, the particular block, and the types and number of counters on the fly to help develop flow and spontaneous responses with-in the constraints of the form.
I personally don't do this. There are some katas in the Parker System such as Short Form 1 and Long Form 3, to name a few, that already have the opposite sides built into them.

o.k... thats a start, but meant anything else. like stepping back when you turn, or anything else. like senseibear said.

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