OMG post count!


Senior Master
Good thing my post count just increased by like, 1/3.

An extra 400 posts... damn I talk a lot.

My average skyrocketed too...

if this is what is making Arni leave, we should un-do it.

EDIT; And my rep power went up too. I ding people less now just because if they are a newbie I don't wanna like, make their block turn red. :(
So, it means you spend a lot of your MT time in the Ursuai B & G. And, I don't think this is what's making Arni leave. Though, it is kinda funny that he said he'd go at 20K, and then he ended up with more... *snicker*.
Glad you mentioned it Sam. Otherwise it probably would have been at least a week before I noticed that my posts skyrocketed too. Then I would have been like WHAT HAPPENED?!?!?

Hey, I'm a 2nd Dan now. That's cool as it'll be many, many years before that will happen to me in real life. ;)

Robyn :asian:
The Opal Dragon said:
Glad you mentioned it Sam. Otherwise it probably would have been at least a week before I noticed that my posts skyrocketed too. Then I would have been like WHAT HAPPENED?!?!?

Hey, I'm a 2nd Dan now. That's cool as it'll be many, many years before that will happen to me in real life. ;)

Robyn :asian:

Congrates on your MT promotion :)
The Opal Dragon said:
Hey, I'm a 2nd Dan now. That's cool as it'll be many, many years before that will happen to me in real life. ;)

Nah, I got a plan that could help you out.

1) First you go to the nearest office supplies store.

2) Buy a big stack of sticky notes.

3) Randonly write "OMG!", "LOL", "Me too", and other common things.

4) sneak into your dojo and post them everywhere.

5) When instructor asks what happened, respond: "This is how I see people get promoted on the internet, so I figured it would work for me."

6) Humbly accept promotion :)
Andrew Green said:
Nah, I got a plan that could help you out.

1) First you go to the nearest office supplies store.

2) Buy a big stack of sticky notes.

3) Randonly write "OMG!", "LOL", "Me too", and other common things.

4) sneak into your dojo and post them everywhere.

5) When instructor asks what happened, respond: "This is how I see people get promoted on the internet, so I figured it would work for me."

6) Humbly accept promotion :)
Me too... LOL!
Thanks, Sarah! :) I like my new MT belt.

LOL! :rofl: That's funny, Andrew! In my imagination--if I actually did that, my sensei probably wouldn't "get it" that it was meant as a joke. He'd look at me funny and whack me on the head with the shinai. :whip: Then, one of my fellow students (multiple black belt in TKD who left his school because it became a McDojo daycare for undisciplined kids) would launch in a long spheal of what it really takes to earn a grade, etc. It would take me a minute or two before I could get a word in edgewise and say, "I KNOW, I KNOW!" ;)

>sigh< If only it would really work. ;) :D

Robyn :asian:
Yeah, I think I just went up around 50-something posts. I was only a few away from getting my MT blackbelt, but now I have 551 posts! Yay me! Seriously, though, what happened?
Xequat said:
Yeah, I think I just went up around 50-something posts.
Seriously, though, what happened?

Certain areas of the board didnt tally post counts in the past. They do now.

Don't thank Bob, just send him Women.
Haha, absolutely. Do you think he likes blondes or brunettes better? Or maybe even redheads? Well, I don't know, so I guess I'll just have to spring for all three! Yep, they should be there any day now, all three dressed up nice in a ghi...and only a ghi! Enjoy!
Xequat said:
Haha, absolutely. Do you think he likes blondes or brunettes better? Or maybe even redheads? Well, I don't know, so I guess I'll just have to spring for all three! Yep, they should be there any day now, all three dressed up nice in a ghi...and only a ghi! Enjoy!

if i was a bettin' man, i'd say brunettes.
Andrew Green said:
Nah, I got a plan that could help you out.

1) First you go to the nearest office supplies store.

2) Buy a big stack of sticky notes.

3) Randonly write "OMG!", "LOL", "Me too", and other common things.

4) sneak into your dojo and post them everywhere.

5) When instructor asks what happened, respond: "This is how I see people get promoted on the internet, so I figured it would work for me."

6) Humbly accept promotion :)


Now, I'm a Master Black Belt! :asian:
*wonders what she would be if she got read of her custom user-title*

BRB all, going to find out...

OMG I'm a master black belt too.

That is *SOOOOOOO* not right....

*runs to put a custom title back up and make the scary words go away*
Wed. I hopped on here at a friends house (before leaving for a concert @ Va. Beach area), I was a purple belt. I didn't think I posted anything, and imagine my surprise when I saw I'm now a brown belt! My rep also went up since then!
I think that it's great. it just means that you are spending alot of time here at the bar and grill. my post didn't really go up to much but thats okay it's going to take me awhile to get to black belt

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