OMG...I'm still alive...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sandor
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Hi all,

Just wanted to update you all and let you folks know that yes indeed I am still alive and kicking. I've been very busy lately and not had a chance to stop by and post (though I have stopped by and read a few threads here and there).

We completed a major renovation of our studio recently which included removing the ceiling over the training area adding new partitions(finally a room for privates...) installed and implemented computers to track everything(ironic that we didn't use them before) and completed matting out the floor, major repairs to the A/C system, added weightlifting goodies, built a nice retail area. It set us back a few pennies (read: I'm almost totally broke but very happy with the way the place looks and runs now). I'll post pictures soon so you all can check it out. I am sure you'll agree the effort was worth it.

Among the casualties for my focus on the buildout was the CKF site. I didn't have the time or patience to continue that project while undergoing the changes at the school. So it went poof in a cloud of 1's and 0's. Not much more to say on that front.

Since the site's demise, many (way too many, which was kind of overwelming) of you sent me letters, emails and even a few phone calls complimenting me, the site, or saying thanks. I want you folks to know I really appreciate the feedback and promise this; the new year will kick off a new site based on some of the same ideas I had before and some new ones. A few more features, gadgets, goodies and open to everyone regardless of styles or affiliations.

If you liked the old site wait till you see the new one... :asian:

So, that should be a good, quick, catch up for now... I'll check back here in a few days when I have a few free minutes.

Good to hear from you man. Congrads on completing those renovations.
Originally posted by Sandor

I've been very busy lately and not had a chance to stop by and post

Tell me about it, I've just done the first month of the final year of my degree, and I've never had so little personal time in my life. I'm spending hours upon hours upon hours just working, it's horrible :(

I've also had to drop training down from twice to once per week, which is annoying, and I have very little time for personal kenpo studies. My fitness is suffering as well :(

I certainly haven't had time to keep up to martial talk every day, bah!

Also, still alive and kicking though!

Good to hear you will have a new site up and glad you got that school remodeling done. Hope all is well in all else.

I'll be sending you some email soon. :)
we were rid of him.......... sigh.....

Just kidding.... glad to hear you are doing well and having fun expanding......

Originally posted by Goldendragon7

we were rid of him.......... sigh.....

Just kidding.... glad to hear you are doing well and having fun expanding......


That's it Mr. Conatser, don't hold back. Tell us how you reall feel!

Well, Uncle Sandor, I was wondering about you myself, and I'm glad you're still terrorizing Florida!

The best of luck, and continued success on your new beginning!(MINES REAL, NOT LIKE MR. CONATSERS):D