Older Than Dirt Quiz

KenpoTess said:
gee thanks for the memories~! pfffffffft

I'm older than dirt ~!

20 something

Hmm 20, with knowledge of the rest.

You can add in you are older than dirt when you find a coin that has a date before your birth year, ;) :D and you are suprised.
I didn't get to expirience the news reels....

but I think they should bring back the woody woodpecker cartoons before the movies!
Kembudo-Kai Kempoka said:
Well, that sucked.

Oooooh, did ja get 25? Somebody's got to be older than me. Its kind like going down memory lane. Hula hoops weren't mentioned. I guess that came around again. I was in to those at age 5, 1954ish Nor soda fountains where you sit on a stool at the bar. Or when gasoline was around 20 cents a gallon and there was always someone who washed your windshield and looked under the hood. Did anyone have a Victrola? We did. I learned that the ten dollar Hagen Renaker ceramic horses I used to collect now fetch upwards to two thousand dollars on Ebay. Not that I have any left. Okay I'll quit now. TW

I think I'd be really depressed if I could remember what the quiz was about...

Bill Parsons
Triangle Kenpo Institute
OUMoose said:
12, but I grew up in a small town, so I saw alot of "older" things... :D
Try growing up in a small northern manitoba community where the news was taped the night before and flown up and aired there the next day. I think that is why I scored so high, not because I am actually OLD but because of where I lived... yeah... thats it, I will stick to that :D
I gotta say, my parents were old enough to be my grandparents, so I heard about most of that stuff - but it said you had to score on what you actually remembered personally.
The Kai said:
Anybody parents have a TV or Stereo that was in a cabinet?
I did! and it is still in working condition to this very day!
Heck...my dad still has an 8 track player that records! and works!
My parents had a multi-unit in a cabinet. It was huge - like a large bedroom dresser almost. The television was central and could be hidden with two sliding doors. On either side were speakers behind a lattice-work like pattern of wood. On the left and the right, on the top, were two sliding panels - the left was the turntable which turned at 33, 45 and 78, complete with the 45 attachment adapter and a spare needle. On the right was a radio (AM/FM) and television controls. The remotes were those ones where you push and it was almost like a little bellows inside (that's the sound, anyway) - and didn't require batteries - and they were for the television alone - on/off and change channel.

In a strange sort of way, I miss that old thing.
The Kai said:
Anybody parents have a TV or Stereo that was in a cabinet?

Yes, I grew up with one (* Stereo *) as the main audio device of the house hold.
I scored 16, now for a few contributions of my own.

Do you remember Coke machines that used cold water to chill the bottles?

Do you remember $.05 candy bars?

For the country folks out there, do you remember tractors with hand crank starters or pick up trucks with floor peddle starters?

Black and white TV?

I donÂ’t remember newsreels, but I do remember cartoons before each movie.

Do you remember party line telephones?

Do you remember out houses (my grandparents didnÂ’t have indoor pluming for may years)?

Do you remember when you only were able to buy turkeys on or near thanksgiving?

Oh well, the good oÂ’ days are goneÂ…

[font=&quot]JPR [/font]
how about the penny SUPERBUBBLE bubble gum that you

could blow a bubble the size of a satelite dish with?!

at least it seemed that big when you were 8 :p
Hello, You have brought back many old memories. For many of you these things were a great part of our life. Ah! The good old days. I love tops too. ....Aloha

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