is Goju Ryu more of a practical martial art, or a "flashy" show martial art?
My daughters have both trained in Goju-ryu for close to 2 years - I attend every class.
What the other gentleman said about low stances and strength improvement is right on the money - my oldest daughter outperforms most boys in gym now. Both have shown significant increases in general physical fitness.
The katas progress in an intelligent and progressive fashion. You can be taught an enhanced 'flashy' kata for tournament competition, the ordinary ones are more practical.
I believe weapons only start at a high intermediate level. The first one is a staff.
As others have noted, quality of instructor is paramount. I, too, returned to martial arts after a layoff of years - it can be done. Best of fortune to you!
Their dojo has a lot of emphasis on self defense and sparring - both girls have gone up to 6 rounds.