OK Turn Over Your Papers... And Begin!

Carol Kaur said:
What the heck's your problem, Caver? Makes total sense to me!!

I mean hell, it's not like you have to be an engineer to figure that....oh wait, maybe you do. :rofl:

:btg: ooof hey that was below the be-- !!!! heeeyyy wait a second... have you been PM-ing with Ceicei??? ... because it's exactly the type of remarks that she tends to make... hitting below the belt.

Ceicei, we're gonna talk you and I... and that right soon.
beau_safken said:
Question 1: E
Question 2: E
Question 3: D
No way Beau ya big Samurai of the Stapler :).. see by these answers I reckon you are just being modest to make everyone feel a little better bout themselves.. and this is a great thing for you to be doing and so just for you since you are so empathetic in regards of others.. you win a trip to Mother Theresa's Hope and Healing school in Calcutta.. oh yes.. and I know being the charitable soul you will be at peace there..

or.. if you are fully calendared that day I also have here from the sponsors a ticket to this years Miss World contest.. interested? I mean.. obviously you understand that would be intended purely for study into the methodologies of those who like yourself desire world peace and an end to suffering.. nothing else.. bring your own blindfold if you object to the other things that might um.. distract you from your study into how we might achieve lasting global harmony

oh.. incidentally how is the plotting going? I mean those little green glass spheres full of that special neurotoxin you been brewing.. ya know you said you were gonna follow the pelicans right out cross the bay.. that big building on the island.. yeah just there.. and launch some sort of revolution thing? How is that all coming along? :D

Nah.. just be good and watch out fer bullies!
Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
MA-Caver said:
Well now I can't see my answers because of that particular instruction. Thanks a lot Jenna... sheesh!
You mean you did not use the CLEAR pen? Sorry my dangerous sports friend.. I had thought THAT was a given.. anyway read the disclaimer I ain't liable fer nuthin well.. except for a few damaged shoulders.. oh and that botched attempt to trim someones hair.. um.. well maybe there was the incident with the fingernails.. but hey.. I ain't liable for that screen of yours and .. hang on.. man this is one cool screen you got here now I look around at it from inside this post. What we got here lemme see.. a sign saying "Cavers do it in the Damp".. post it notes with doodles of tulips.. a little furry doll with needles in.. a Power Rangers hologram card thing and.. eh? what is this sitting atop lemme just .. see.. Nail polish? oooh.. lilac storm.. my favourite.. Ralph my friend you got taste!

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
Hand Sword said:
Yep! I remember a fireball fly up by face, and me and my friend, who was standing by me, rolling on the floor, with his eyebrows singed.
Hey Hand Sword-san :) wow you mean you got totally roasted with a flaming fireball and survived? wow! I am sensing an X-Men mutation thing going on around you my superhuman friend.. you do not go round telling folk you got shot and blew up AND survived.. they will come and take you away for probing and which is not a good thing for yourself..

Be good ...and sssshhhh.. be QUIET bout this!

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
Xavi.. um.. Jenna
Rich Parsons said:
It is not about Speed but about Timing. ;)
Hey Big Rich :) thank you for this as ever :) and of course Confucius say.. speed is good timing is better and if you is the man with both speed AND timing you is unbeatable sho' nuff! :) yeah Confucius actually said that after that time he inhaled some smoke when he was passing by that secret house in the forest and got a little um.. mellowed

Rich Parsons said:
Sometimes I go through the walls. Sometimes I go around. Sometimes I go out into space and look form there and then come back in for a closer look. I have even been known to close my eyes to the building or even turn my back to the building and when you turn back around you are on the opposite side. ;)
Ahh Rich my friend now we are talking! Never let a wall be an obstacle.. I LIKE that mentality.. which we will twin with.. Never let a broken head stop you from thinking! ha!

And from henceforth when I come to a large building which is in the way of my progress I will say to myself WWRD (aye what would Rich do?) and I will gain strength to decide whether to close my eyes to it.. or set my mind to just walk straight through it like a wraith.. or spin around as quickly as I can and tunnel right under the critter. yes WWRD :)

Rich Parsons said:
A. Having bare foot skied I think this counts.
B. Having the boot slow down and then you not point feet into the water but running on top of the water. *** Do not look the crash was not pretty ***
B. (* Part 2 *) Having a Jet Ski rock to the left on me while running across the water at about 50 knots and my elbow breaks the plane of the water. I took a long ride on my face with my feet in the air. Comments from those who saw it, were, "Dude that guy is assume." "Does he do this all the time?"
C. The inner child and running through Rain is great!
D. You should see the Patent for it. ;)
E. I like to sail :D
Rich see I am even viewing you now as a bigger tougher knifier version of James Bond who even when he is in the s_ _ has a quip to make and is nonchalantly unconcerned for his predicament and this is the ultimate in coolness I think and which is something I am envious of truly and I when I hear this tale of jetski misdemeanours I do not even know whether to say ha! or ouch and so I will simply say haouch and which is a new word I am sure all the kids will begin to say very very soon .. haouch! :D

Rich Parsons said:
But I prefer the answer to be open minded and to allow others to have their point of views as well. :D
Yes I agree with this Rich absolutely and try to follow this advice.. though I will say with my big serious face that I am sure you and maybe other readers have noted a few burned out souls .. maybe even on here who can say.. who say to themselves.. yes I am open minded even though I KNOW I AM RIGHT..

Be good my friend!
Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
Thanks Jenna, that was interesting o_O :D

By the way, we don't have pelicans...I am using small glass capsules filled with the green goo and putting them in pigeons. So when one gets crushed...it can have its revenge on the driver..and other around that driver. STICKY FEET!!!!

:D Thanks hun, that was a interesting little quiz thing. IF you still have a little of the stuff you were smoking while coming up with this, please pass a little my way..Could use it after looking at quarter end reports all day :X
Jenna said:
Rich see I am even viewing you now as a bigger tougher knifier version of James Bond who even when he is in the s_ _ has a quip to make and is nonchalantly unconcerned for his predicament and this is the ultimate in coolness I think and which is something I am envious of truly and I when I hear this tale of jetski misdemeanours I do not even know whether to say ha! or ouch and so I will simply say haouch and which is a new word I am sure all the kids will begin to say very very soon .. haouch! :D


I did once I got the feeling backin my legs after they both hit the handles with my shins.

I tell the story now with a smile. :)

The only sadness of that day was I lost my Smith and Wesson Smoke Sunglasses I had with me on trips to Death Valley, New Zealand, Europe and Japan. *sniff*

But I was able to replace them, and move on as nothing was broken on me or the Jetski :D