Ok, this reaks of a pi$$ing contest!

As a resident alien living in Japan, I have to have the proper ID on me at all times in case a cop asks me for it. It`s happened once in 9 years. If they ask me for it and I don`t have it on me, I have just commited a crime. Period, end of story.

In the US, any visiting alien is required to have proper ID on them at all times. Period. US citizens are NOT required to have proof of citizenship on them, and in many states aren`t even required to carry ID (just giving your name and address is enough to comply with the law). We may argue about how the law is applied or enforced, or how it might be changed,but it`s meaning is pretty clear: if you`re not a citizen carry your passport or green card with you. If i went to a secure place and they told me to wear a visitors` badge so security knew it was alright for me to be there, I`d wear it. And i wouldn`t be suprised if they got suspitious of me if I claimed to have forgotten it or lost it.
In the US, any visiting alien is required to have proper ID on them at all times. Period. US citizens are NOT required to have proof of citizenship on them, and in many states aren`t even required to carry ID (just giving your name and address is enough to comply with the law).

That's entirely the problem. US Citizens are being held for not having ID - which they are not required to have - because they look like they might be an immigrant. So, they are being held because they have an accent, don't speak English, or are from a particular ethnic group. In a pluralistic society with citizens of many skin colors and languages, that's going to be a problem.
That's entirely the problem. US Citizens are being held for not having ID - which they are not required to have - because they look like they might be an immigrant. So, they are being held because they have an accent, don't speak English, or are from a particular ethnic group. In a pluralistic society with citizens of many skin colors and languages, that's going to be a problem.

That's a lie as well. What american citizen has been detained because of the Alabama law.
That's a lie as well. What american citizen has been detained because of the Alabama law.

I never said anything about the Alabama law. Citizens have been held however, and some have even been deported. You should probably at least do a quick Google run before calling someone a liar.

Here is a story on it. It was written in 2009, and apparently the AP was able to find 55 such cases, with detentions ranging from one day to 5 years (!) as well as some deportations.
Well since this thread is about the ALABAMA law then yes I still say your a lier. The man you site was deported from california using federal laws and has nothing to do with this thread

I never said anything about the Alabama law. Citizens have been held however, and some have even been deported. You should probably at least do a quick Google run before calling someone a liar.

Here is a story on it. It was written in 2009, and apparently the AP was able to find 55 such cases, with detentions ranging from one day to 5 years (!) as well as some deportations.
That's a lie as well. What american citizen has been detained because of the Alabama law.

Have a look here.

DAPHNE, Alabama — Not long after a federal judge upheld most of Alabama’s immigration law, Baldwin County sheriff’s deputies spent more than 4 hours processing a misdemeanor charge against a Honduran man.
Jose Matute, 26, originally encountered on a "suspicious person" call, was booked into the Baldwin County Corrections Center on Friday night without bail.
That same day, a man detained in Gadsden after he was suspected to be in violation of the new law was released after authorities learned he was a U.S. citizen.
A man huh? That's it just a man? Half a page about jose being locked and and a small one sentence about a man. Who's the man? Where's the source for the info? What was he stopped for? Need little more info then that.
Wow! That was a horribly written blog (news?) entry. A vague one sentence paragraph shoved between two more specific paragraphs about a completely different person and incident. Was the Gadsden man detained 30 seconds on a sidewalk until he showed his driver's license?

That was actually from a staff writer for the Mobile, Alabama Press-Register.

Waddya expect? It's Alabama........:lfao: (sorry, Gran)

It's mentioned in a few other articles-near as I can tell, the guy was in a house where a drug-raid took place-though that (also unnamed) individual might be someone else.

More to the point, if he was released (after being detained, which is, after all, what ballen called Empty Hands a liar over) it wouldn't be that unusual at all for the police to not release his name, would it?
That was actually from a staff writer for the Mobile, Alabama Press-Register.

Waddya expect? It's Alabama........:lfao: (sorry, Gran)

It's mentioned in a few other articles-near as I can tell, the guy was in a house where a drug-raid took place-though that (also unnamed) individual might be someone else.

More to the point, if he was released (after being detained, which is, after all, what ballen called Empty Hands a liar over) it wouldn't be that unusual at all for the police to not release his name, would it?

Wait. So, he was in a house that was raided for drugs. He was detained after the raid for drugs only because they questioned his immigration status? He wasn't detained at all because he was in a house that was being raided for drugs?
Wait. So, he was in a house that was raided for drugs. He was detained after the raid for drugs only because they questioned his immigration status? He wasn't detained at all because he was in a house that was being raided for drugs?

If it's the same person, he was released.
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Well, too bad the the xs and ys never really intersected. The people need jobs but are either not willing or able to perform the y jobs. That's why they are not working int eh y jobs and never have. Because they have always been there, and won't go away any time soon.

I buy you a beer if you actually believe that!:lfao:

Please don't use the tired line that they do jobs that Americans won't do line. It really isn't true. I and most of my family either hold or have held those jobs for generations.
I buy you a beer if you actually believe that!:lfao:

Please don't use the tired line that they do jobs that Americans won't do line. It really isn't true. I and most of my family either hold or have held those jobs for generations.

Honey, I did those jobs.

I have seen what would 'do' the job...for that price...nothing to write home about.

I am not saying that no American would do those jobs.
I am saying that there are not enough that want and can fill them are around to keep the industry running.

and as you put it: have held :)
Honey, I did those jobs.

I have seen what would 'do' the job...for that price...nothing to write home about.

I am not saying that no American would do those jobs.
I am saying that there are not enough that want and can fill them are around to keep the industry running.

and as you put it: have held :)
Just checkin ;)
And still do.

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