Ok, I'm bored.

Hello, In the book (Attack Proof), the author mentions, more than 26,000 people are kill in street fights and thousands more are injury every year in America. THis is every YEAR!

Best to walk or talk your way out of any situtions if possible. Heard the story of two very old couples standing in line for a show and they argue of something stupid and one guy push the other guy and fell hitting his head and was killed.

Things like this happens all the time in America...lucky you live in the United States? .................Aloha
Arachibutyrophobia - no joke, this is the medical term which describes the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth *gags*

There are More calories in a 1 1/2 cup serving of Special K with Skim Milk than in 12oz of Miller Light Beer.

So... forget the claims that replaceing 2 meals with Special K will help you lose weight... Drink Beer!!!!
Butyric acid is what makes Parmesan cheese smell like er... vomit. Eck!

It is also found in rancid butter, and pleasantly enough is what gives the world the smell of foul, stale, unwashed, rancid human feet... *shivers with disgust*
The king of hearts is the only playing card stabbing himself in the head.

Grapes explode when you microwave them.

A hard working adult sweats up to 4 gallons a day (eek!).

In Cleveland it is illegal to catch mice without a hunting license.

and the craziest fact of all (drum roll please):

A female pigeon cannot lay eggs on her own. For her ovaries to work she must be able to see another pigeon!
Captain Hook used Saurkraut to deal with scurvey. After all its saurcraut.. sauercraut going bad??? Is it even possible?
While the Great Wall of China is long it isn't wide enough to be seen from space.
Clumbus never actually reached the Americas. He only hit island. He did however enslave a large number of people on the first island he landed on(San Salvador) They were called the Arrowaks I belive.

Pure water is a terible conductor. But with impurities it becomes a much beter conductor.
1) Turtles donÂ’t like PEZ

2) The old Movie Krakatoa East of Java was about the eruption of the Volcano Krakatau, which is actually North/West of Java

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