OK I’ve lost it

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Or maybe found it… or maybe I'm just crazy

I’ve been focusing on the finger… yup... based on that I'd vote crazy

I think computers are causing me a problem and sadly my entire day and everything about my job is computers

I had a thought this past weekend and then today at work it seemed to become much clearer that due to my job, the internet, and everyone calling me to support their PCs that my focus is gotten way to narrow and way too short.

And today I thought about the Bruce Lee line from Enter the Dragon

"It's like a finger pointing at the moon. Do not concentrate on the finger or you will miss all of the heavenly glory! "

However I was not thinking with a Cantonese accent and no one has hit me in the back of the head yet so who knows.

And this constant clicking from screen to screen and webpage to webpage has shortened my attention span. So I do believe I shall buy a book and read it and only read that book and no other like I usually do (I tend towards 3 to 4 at a time)

Well, time to expand the focus a bit, walk away from the PC for a bit, let the phone ring and make people wonder where I am and go look out the window… on the other side of the building. Maybe I’ll really mess them up and go get lunch outside and not come back to the office to eat.
I think that is just MONDAY. There is one finger that applies to all mondays:)

It might be better tomorrow unless you are like me and some weeks have TWO Mondays. I guess that is why we have two middle fingers:)

Deep breath in and deep breath out>>>

If I was anywhere even REMOTLY close to where that video was shot I’d have left long ago because I have had enough of these 3 PCs and 2 Laptops that are currently on my desk

Go outside cloud watching for the afternoon!

That could be interesting...it is raining with a chance of Thunderstorms...ok... I'll do it, but I'll probably hate myself in the morning!
Well, I got soaked, damn near drown looking up during the downpour :uhyeah:, but I don't have pneumonia and I don't hate myself but I am still sick and tired of the 3 PCs and 2 Laptops that are currently on my desk..Actually it is now 3 laptops

And I still feel this is all making me focus on the finger and I really am going to have to do something about this because I honestly do feel it is narrowing my focus and that’s not good in Martial Arts or in Life
Well, I got soaked, damn near drown looking up during the downpour :uhyeah:, but I don't have pneumonia and I don't hate myself but I am still sick and tired of the 3 PCs and 2 Laptops that are currently on my desk..Actually it is now 3 laptops

And I still feel this is all making me focus on the finger and I really am going to have to do something about this because I honestly do feel it is narrowing my focus and that’s not good in Martial Arts or in Life

well, then maybe it's a matter of which finger it is.

I suppose you can't go media free completely with a job like that, but maybe at home? No TV or comp after hours?

Books are a good thing (say's she who can't finish one to save her life)

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