Ok I give up who the heck is Tom Carnes??

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Rocky said:


Did you get a video or an e-mail or phone call?

Quite interesting personality huh?
Rich Parsons said:

Did you get a video or an e-mail or phone call?

Quite interesting personality huh?

To say he least, if not the most!!!
Interesting reading here.

I spent some time on Google after reading the linked threads, searching on here, and a few other sites.

Very little information out there on this person.

Here is what I found. Unfortunately, not a lot.

09-07-2005, 05:08 AM
Seriously, watch out for Tom Carnes. From first hand experience I can tell you that he is a fraud, and borderline delusional. I've seen his JKD certificates. Did bruce make his students fill out their certificates themselves, in their own handwriting? Was he really an orphan raised at the Shaolin Temple and given the title "Master" in monkey kung fu? Too many of his stories seem contrived and do not match up. He does teach seminars, and there is no doubt he posseses skills and techniques, but I question background and credentials. I, and many others, have an uneasy fear of this man. If you have a similar experience, please post."
05-17-2002, 09:11 PM
Most of these trading guys are collectors, and retards, who only send back crap, and hold on the the best for themselves.
The worst out there is a guy named Tom Carnes, of Chico, Cali. THis guy pormised the sky, footage of my teachers long dead Master from the Islands, told stories about his great experience, his great certificates, how all these families named him inheritor, how he trained with Bruce Lee, and it went on. I figured this guy was a nut, but wanted the video he claimed he had. so I sent him a tape. some footage from comercial tapes and some of me doing a demo in downtown Tulsa. WHat I got back was junk, video of him, video of some philippino's where he claimed it was him, pictures of all his (forged) certificates (I checked several out) and an offer to come and do seminars for us for $500 plus bus fare. Oh and he sent me a rank certificate. I sent him that back. For a year the guy called my house almost weekly. then he sent me three more tapes of the same low quality crap, and told me about his great video system.
The moral,
If you want it, you probally have to buy it.
Dont ever send out vidoe of your teacher or yourself to some guy you dont know.
And if Mr. (self professed Master) Tom (Monkey Man) Carnes calls you, tell him he's a fake, and hang up."

I never offer to seminars for $500.If I was a fake Why do people like DrBARBAR & Ed Faris & Leonard Trigg & Holiford Jones & Tom Bolden Know my ranks are authentic.There is always some one who will bash & never met you or others.They werent there so post my ranks If you want to post.This forum is not made on bashing & here say,Try the true or is it too much for some one that didnt start till the 90s.
Who said I started at all? Each swallow works hard to be perfect pilot-provider-builder-trainer-teacher-lover-mate, no half-true hate! So, each day like a bird, perfect thyself first! Have courage and smile my friend. Think and act 10 years ahead! And the man without fault? He’s dead! Do one thing at a time, work hard! Get done! Then teach friend & enemy the Moral ABC that unites all mankind free! Uniting One! All-One! Face the world with a smile, life is always worthwhile! To the fearless are given crowns, keep out the past, disappointments won’t last! Help unite mankind, or we’re wandering clowns! Diligent preparation, precede . . . spectacular restoration!! So, help teach the whole Human race, the Moral ABC’s All-One-God-Faith, lightning-like, for we’re All-One or none! All-One!!
Search More did I. Jeeves Asked Did I. Know you not Did He. Some Yahoos inquired of also I did. One Yahoo say this, yes he did:
Another Yahoo sayum disum : http://republika.pl/modernarnis/modern arnis/polish/represent/california.html
blinkenlightes buy this shirt me hearty, sp good ep bad, third person I can be in a 3-way dance. Terry Funk to you all.
Now thread start I will, whoum is "Jarome Barbar"? Mr. Google, Jeeves and those Yahoos know him not at all.
Did you get a chance to scrool the htl I told how to get to & it exsplains my rank ect.
i just mail to Hawii the demo of the old school footage-my ranks-footage of Remy then Ernsto doing as I show at Joses school.My kuntao rank is shown as well as master & guardian & the many patches that evolved from the art including the rare 3" triangle nearfield patch.I can honestly say that when you see kuntao arins in action its a totaly differant animal & hard to imposable to count.The rare class photo of me with Both Remy & Ernesto is also shown.So Be Patient & listen from Hawii & you will here Its all real.
i beleave the person Im sending to is Rick Wade from Hawii Yes?He e-maied me his address to send the dvd so it will got to him!
ok Tom. Fun and Games time is over. I have some pointed questions for you.

1- Are you the same Tom Carnes those links mentioned?
2- Can you actually write a clear and coherent sentence?
3- What is your primary language?
4- Do you have permission of the copyright holders of those tapes you are trading to distribute them?
5- You do realize that tape trading is against the rules of this site?
6- Can you post here without dropping a ton of names?
7- If you are this grand keeper of the arts as you seem to claim, why is it that nobody from the last 20 years seems to know who you are, nor does your name come up more than an insignificant number of times on any search engine I check, and usually in relationship to questionable tape trading exchanges where other bootlegers are very unhappy with you?

I'll have more later.
Well, I have a question. Monkey, perhaps you can tell us who designated you as "keeper" of the art?
Rich Parsons said:

Thank you Guro Parsons for the threds you posted above. In the 4th group was the following:

06-26-2003, 12:50 PM
Posts: n/a

An additional Piece of Information
If anyone has a copy of the Filipino Martial Arts Magazine, Volume 4, Number 4, you can see the full page re-print of the MAFP certificate awarded to Tom Carnes, by Professor with the designation of Guardian and Master.

There is a tendency on the part of some people to totally dismiss Master Carnes and his statements regarding Modern Arnis and his association with the Presas, however, I have seen some of the footage that he has of Jose Presas, the father of Professor, Ernesto and Roberto. Master Carnes is the real deal! He might be difficult for some people to accept and his path is and continues to be different from most current Modern Arnis people, but Master Carnes knows what he is talking about from personal training experience with the Presas' in the Philippines.

One of the purposes of the Symposium is to discuss matters like this and to show documentation where it exists to support the claims. The fun behind the Sympopsium is that we all get to talk face to face, show our variations on the art and learn from others. It takes an open mind and a willingness to learn to be at this event. The closer it get the more I am looking forward to being a participant.

There will be some extras at the Symposium - as people make their final travel plans and get their wares ready for sale, the structure is developing very nicely. The espada y daga training sets are going to be beautiful and the live blade Master Instructor Sets are awesome.

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.

I must admit that I have some difficulty understanding exactly what Mr. Carnes is trying to say in his posts because his spelling and grammar are quite poor. But he must have been refering to Dr. Jerome Barber at least twice in his posts and the above quoted post was useful. I found the FMA Magazine V4 #4 (2002) in a friends collection. On the inside back cover Carnes' was reproduced. The certificate is dated 12 September 1981. It is signed by Professor Presas, Jim Ceheo(?), Rick Mitchell and Rick Ward. The rank listed is "4th dan Black Belt Guardian-Master". It does appear that Mr. Carnes does have some validity since he has 3 people countersigning his certificate in addition to Professor Presas. I am somewhat familiar with Guro Rick Mitchell and Guro Rick Ward but I have no idea who the other person is. Maybe if these people are contacted more information about Mr. Carnes can be validated. I certinly would not want to accept every claim Mr. Carnes made based on just 1 certificate.

go to htt://republicka.pl/modernarnis/mode...alifrnia.html & see a second suport from another group of arnis.Mind you i did re new my ranks every tear till Remys passing.Also if you go to school & get cetified that certificate is good-who are you to say no or doubt you were not there nor a lot of others who started in the 90s.Why do you think you are it when my rank is signed & dated & legal.
monkey said:
go to htt://republicka.pl/modernarnis/mode...alifrnia.html & see a second suport from another group of arnis.Mind you i did re new my ranks every tear till Remys passing.Also if you go to school & get cetified that certificate is good-who are you to say no or doubt you were not there nor a lot of others who started in the 90s.Why do you think you are it when my rank is signed & dated & legal.

Please keep in mind that with the limited availability of you, your background, etc., I think its pretty obvious as to some questions being raised. I can order up a 10th dan Black Belt and have a fancy diploma printed up, giving the impresssion that I'm all that, when in fact it'd be nothing but fraudulent material. I'm not saying this is what you did, but keep in mind that Prof. Presas had many students and made many promises to many people. I think that by running around making it sound like you're the sole person in charge of the art is a bit extreme.

I haven't been in Modern Arnis nearly as long as some of my instructors or people on this forum, so I'll admit that I know nothing of you. However, if you were 'there' as you say, I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to find out some info on you.

Mr. Carnes,
I can have a 7th degree Black, signed by Remy Presas himself, in about 5 minutes. The certificate, the paper, the signature will all hold up under careful examination.

Of course, I never studied Modern Arnis, nor met the man prior to his unfortunate passing.

So, when someone with poor communications skills pops onto a message board, claiming to have studied with a number of the great masters of our times, claims to be the guardian of not just one but several of their arts, yet the Only! information that one can find about him is that he is a tape trader of questionable reliability, and a listing on a website thats so out of date it makes my suit appear to be in style again, my crap detector starts screaming like a bar girl the night the fleet docked.

Now, the link you posted is broken.
You have not answered my questions.

Heres more for you to ignore:

1-When did you last see Remy?
2-If you are the Guardian of his art, why does it seem that no one from the last, oh, 10-20 years of his life seems to know you?
3-How can you be Guardian of something, if you are a virtual unknown? Shouldn't the Guardian be out there spreading the word, sharing it and passing it on?

So, now you can slowly and carefully explain who Tom Carnes is.
Or demonstrate by further ignoring questions and dropping names.
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