OK I am wrong and so is everybody else

I have come to the conclusion that my way of thinking is wqrong I need to go ahead and join the USAT bandwagon and start puckering up so that my players will be like and have a fair chance. All I would like to add is I am opening a fund forsome of the lower eand students so they can attend a Lopez or Moreno camp and become what only they can teach. I have seen the light never develope your own athlete take from somebody else who has put in the time to get them there and then turn around and **** on them. I have seen the light to the almighty USAT and the staff of experts they have, if only I was brainwash sooner.

In closing I would like to add that all of you that are against thenew way of the USAT please go and get checked out so you too can become a puppet like me.:asian:

Terry...I think MSUTKD hacked into your account. ha.ha.ha.ha. (j/k MSUTKD)

I have come to the conclusion that my way of thinking is wqrong I need to go ahead and join the USAT bandwagon and start puckering up so that my players will be like and have a fair chance. All I would like to add is I am opening a fund forsome of the lower eand students so they can attend a Lopez or Moreno camp and become what only they can teach. I have seen the light never develope your own athlete take from somebody else who has put in the time to get them there and then turn around and **** on them. I have seen the light to the almighty USAT and the staff of experts they have, if only I was brainwash sooner.

In closing I would like to add that all of you that are against thenew way of the USAT please go and get checked out so you too can become a puppet like me.:asian:

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