oh the frustration


Master Black Belt
I'm so broke, i don't have enough money for training.
Hope that i'm called in for the next job i applied to.
Having no money sucks bigtime!
I train a bit at home, but am getting more and more lazy as the feelings of hopelessness put a damper on things...

what to do? no option but to pray for a new job. Asking to train for free for a while is embarassing and may put me in a position of greater difficulty down the road. Not only do i miss some trainings like bbt, but i feel like some trainers must think i am being an ******* or a ***** for not being there. i feel like all my plans went to hell...

makes me think that anyone having people issues at the dojo or decided which dojo to train at,...problems? sure, but at least you CAN train. Be happy for that. I blew my last cash on an overpriced $10 pack of paracord and some smokes.

if i at least had a few buddies that would train with me without asking for cash, things would be a bit better. Sometimes, i go to some trainings not only to train(end up learning lots nevertheless) but just to see the ****ers. Why must everything always be business?


That sucks.

If you lived nearby you'd be welcome to drop in with me and my students. We train in a garage/backyard and, since I've no out of pocket expenses to pass on, there are no fees involved beyond sweat.

Hope things get to going better soon.

Thanks for the offer. I live so far away so it's unlikely that i'll make it.

I just remembered one place where i think i might be able to train for free. chinese martial arts, i paid long ago as well as having friends that paid and left alloting the credits to me. i should pay a visit and see if it's still valid. Great idea- still i hope to be truly out of the cashless situation soon enough.

I'm so broke, i don't have enough money for training.
Hope that i'm called in for the next job i applied to.
Having no money sucks bigtime!
I train a bit at home, but am getting more and more lazy as the feelings of hopelessness put a damper on things...

what to do? no option but to pray for a new job. Asking to train for free for a while is embarassing and may put me in a position of greater difficulty down the road. Not only do i miss some trainings like bbt, but i feel like some trainers must think i am being an ******* or a ***** for not being there. i feel like all my plans went to hell...

makes me think that anyone having people issues at the dojo or decided which dojo to train at,...problems? sure, but at least you CAN train. Be happy for that. I blew my last cash on an overpriced $10 pack of paracord and some smokes.

if i at least had a few buddies that would train with me without asking for cash, things would be a bit better. Sometimes, i go to some trainings not only to train(end up learning lots nevertheless) but just to see the ****ers. Why must everything always be business?


If you're worried about what the instructors think about your absence, tell them. You don't have to ask for free training, simply let them know that you aren't blowing them off -- but your current job/financial situation means you can't train. They may ask how they can help, offer training... or even give you a lead on a job.

In the meantime -- exercise. Work out. Practice what you've learned. Don't let yourself give into the depression -- and exercise can help with that.

You also want to get out there and network. For example, have you noticed that MT now has this area: Help Wanted / Help Available

Some schools offer scholarships or ways to work off tuition payments. It's worth asking around about.
Where do you live? If you are anywhere in SoCal, you can train with me and the lads in my yard. We train Mon through Fri in the yard and Saturday in the park nearby. Lots of fun and no politics bollocks.
nasake wa hito no tame ni narazu...pity doesn't help a person.

Thankyou for the kind offer. I would love to take you up on that but i'm in europe at the moment and don't know when i'll make it back to north america, if ever.

Offering to clean the place is an good idea. A bit forward i suppose, but it could work for a while.?

thanks again. good to know. one must keep moving forward no matter what.

As demonstrated by the two offers you've gotten here, there are places that train outside of a formalized dojo. It might be worth talking to your instructors, not only to let them know you are not blowing off your training, and to see if there are temporary arrangements in kind (like cleaning up the training area), but also to see if they might know of a temporary group you can train with in an unofficial capacity.

If you are uncomfortable asking about other groups with your instructors, you may want to check with any martial art supply or sports stores in your area, as they may know of an informal group that may welcome your participation.

In the meantime, you can still train on your own, even if it's just shadowboxing and going over techniques/kata/drills on your own. Added to that is the benefit of physical activity on stress and emotions.

Whatever happens, I wish you luck in your search for employment and training!
nasake wa hito no tame ni narazu...pity doesn't help a person.

Thankyou for the kind offer. I would love to take you up on that but i'm in europe at the moment and don't know when i'll make it back to north america, if ever.

Offering to clean the place is an good idea. A bit forward i suppose, but it could work for a while.?

thanks again. good to know. one must keep moving forward no matter what.


You will however need a translator lol!

Having no money and no job is really depressing, I'd tell your instrcutors though, sadly it's becoming more and more common now. My chief instrcutor has just been made redundant from his job, no redundancy payments though, he hadn't been there long enough. He's off chasing jobs at the moment, I had all the classes to take yesterday. Getting a job is the more important thing at the moment.
One thing he does though is the doors at pubs and nightclubs, any chance you can do that for a bit? Not the best job but pays a bit.

where in europe are you?

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