Oh no! Knives are available on the internet!


Sr. Grandmaster
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Somewhat of an entertaining read:


Weapon of choice
Frightening array of blades available in stores, over Internet

By Brian Fraga
Standard-Times staff writer
May 11, 2008 6:00 AM

On Feb. 1, a video rental store on Acushnet Avenue was robbed by a man who walked into the store, brandished a knife at the cashier, and demanded money.

A month earlier, the same business, Movieland Store, had been robbed by another knife-wielding man who walked into the store at night, held a knife to the cashier, and stole an undetermined amount of cash.

In the past six months, that scene has played out dozens of times in SouthCoast communities of New Bedford, Dartmouth and Fairhaven.

Several convenience stores, retail businesses, food delivery drivers and people walking on the streets have been robbed by suspects armed with knives. Descriptions of the suspects vary in age, race and ethnicity, but the common denominator has them all carrying blades they easily concealed in their jackets or hooded sweatshirts.

The knife-point robberies have usually ended when a victim hands over cash. Some would-be victims, including one pizza-delivery driver earlier this year who himself carried a pocket knife, have fought off their assailants, but that is a dangerous response.

Don't worry, folks... They're working on a way to ban machetes, too!
If they'd been wielding hammers, axes or hatchets, we'd have had the terrifying headline

Frightening Array of Tools Available in Hardware Stores!!

What can you say except WOW
Baa... baaa.... baaaa

(don't worry I'm just practicing for the times when nothing will be made available to us because its all too dangerous or potentially dangerous).
Explosives sold at every gas station!
Rape equipment dangling from every other pelvis!
Powerful oxidizing chemicals used in the WTC (9-11! 9-11!) bombings found in every breath you take!

Oy ****ing gevalt.
Baa... baaa.... baaaa

(don't worry I'm just practicing for the times when nothing will be made available to us because its all too dangerous or potentially dangerous).
That's when the will want to chop off our hands, or maybe just do away withus altogether. Many of us has skill at creating weapons,what then? I am sure there will be gestapo type tactics against us, the ones we teach.
Ain't it gonna be a ***** when they have to decide whether or not to deforest the entire planet to keep sticks out of our hands...but then there's the rock problem. Come on! Man has been killing man since the beginning of time, regardless of what weapons were available. Banning the TOOL isn't going to fix anything. 'Course the cynic in me says we'll never figure out humans either so it's sort of a catch 22.