Shock... knives..? *raises eyebrow*
Search reveals this..?
Oh my... a very nice play pretty. Er, I mean... Training Tool! Yes, for training... hahah. Too bad I'm not a school owner yet, lol. Can't afford that now. Maybe I can talk an instructor into getting certified. It's a great idea!
They're still just a training tool, of course. They've got some drawbacks as well. No tool is perfect. They're
HARD so some of the things you do in sparring might need to be passed on or such. I'd say not to snipe to the hands with these bad boys. Too easy to break a small bone. And you should be aware that not everyone reacts the same way. That's not necessarily a bad thing. Part of the goal of "Shock-Knives" is to push adrenal stress and adrenal dumps. I let myself go into adrenal dump pretty easily in pretty much all of my sparring (knife/bowie/'hawk/singlestick/bata/Judo/whatever). So I accept that my fine motor skills are impacted, though not so much as some others - I've learned how to work around/with and somewhat mitigate, but there's only so much you can do; tying a shoe is rough, give up threading a needle.
Anyway, I'm getting away from myself here. So, when a friend of mine brought Shock Knives to a seminar, I had to try them out. I barely felt them, even at the highest setting, during sparring. Adrenal dump. Yeah, they're freaking intimidating sounding when you trigger the button; sparks flashing and cracking loudly all over. But I felt only a sort of distant buzzing feeling when they hit me. I imagine if someone snuck up behind me while I was unaware and jammed one in my side I'd darn well feel it. But not while Fight or Flight was coursing through my veins.
And that's not a bad thing. It's an important lesson. There's a reason that some tough cusses can take such a beating and keep coming, all busted up and broken. Some people are conditioned to ignore pain and some people are Adrenal Dumping. God help you. You can stink'n well
KILL a person and his body just not know it yet. Word to the wise.
Another issue with the "Shock Knives" is that they're expensive as all heck. Last time I checked there were some mil surplus firearms that cost less. And, despite the price, they're still mechanical devices that are vulnerable to breakage, loss, theft, and general wear (one of those Shock Knives my friend brought just plain broke during the weekend).
I understand that there may be someone making a competing product but I've not yet seen one in person (or even piccys on the net). So there's a bit of single-source vendor lock in as well unless you're willing to try to build your own (I'm working on a set but back shelved them last year because of time constraints).
As for "attacking wrong"... no. Bleeding to death from many slashes and stabs is just as effective as a good stab in the heart, lung or other vital organ.
In the Western Martial Arts (WMA) tradition there is a debate dating back centuries (quite literally) over which is more effective the cut or the thrust. I've seen historic documents arguing one side or the other from the very distant past (think "Romans") and just two weeks ago saw a modern debate on the same topic in another popular fourm devoted to WMA blade skills.
I've seen that skit:
"You attacked me wrong!" lol
Kudos on the movie link sgtmac! Nail on the head.
Humor is the spice of life.
It's a spice that has a taste of truth to it. Makes it memorable. We're fortunate that the skit was recorded. I'm still hunting for the William Shatner SNL skits online. They must be there, right? ;-)
Peace favor your sword,