odd clipart request..


Green Belt
Okay, this is probably one of the more odd clipart requests, but does any know where I might find a dragon and a dove in the same clipart, perhaps intertwined somehow, or some variance on this theme?
Thanks Kacey! Yeah, google is awesome, but I just haven't seen anything that struck me as right for my new school logo... There are some great pics on there though.
If the items you look at are truly 'ClipArt', you should be able to create your own combination of dragons' and doves. Each of the items in ClipArt should be able to be cut and pasted into a new image using standard Windows conventions.

Good Luck
know any geeks that could do it for you? I am not one of the but, I am sure everyone knows one. :D
It's not quite what you're looking for, but if you look at the end of Konrad Lorenz' "On Aggression" there's a great picture of a wolf with an olive branch and a dove with a sword. Doves/pigeons are nasty, vicious little bastards.

If you want to use a piece of art as a logo you'd better make sure it's in the public domain or that you have the appropriate rights to it. Otherwise you are courting a nasty lawsuit which you are almost sure to lose. It might be worth it to find an artist and buy or trade for something to your specs.
Okay, this is probably one of the more odd clipart requests, but does any know where I might find a dragon and a dove in the same clipart, perhaps intertwined somehow, or some variance on this theme?
:lookie: They have that? Hmm interesting.
As did I, awesome stuff! The guy is talented, but I need a more asian dragon, i.e. wingless, makes it tougher, but thank you for your help!!!

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