Freak Accident

Kamaria Annina

Green Belt
Definately not my first accident in the dojang, but a particularly odd one. My friend and I were working on sparring drills last night and as per usual he checked me. However when he did so, I moved in at the same time, and he stepped on my big toe.

Of course I've been stepped on before, but the odd thing was, I tried to shake it off like other times before, however I found myself limping, I looked down and the nail of my big toe was going blue!

I eventually had to lay down and elevate my foot, and my instructors told me I might lose my toenail (:S), but perhaps not because today pink is coming back into it even though I can't walk.

So anyone have any weird accidents such as this?
I had a weird one...

I have a "Hammer toe", (one toe which curls under another one...)
And during sparring, my partner did a jumping step towards me, and landed on my foot. My toe was dislocated, and for the first time in my life was straight!!!
A few days later is went back to "normal" with a loud snap!!!
I've lost two toenails and l finger nail in TKD. I thought I had lost my thumbnail in June from jamming it while sparring, but it hung on and is slowly growing out with a white band where the trauma was.

This just made me think about the guy, a newbie, who didn't cut his toenails short. Once night we were doing a running triple jump on paddles and he caught his big toe with his toenail as it dug into the soft foam of a puzzle mat. He broke his toe and lost his toenail and was out for a long time, never mind the big splat as he went down.

My master is always stepping on feet while he is sparring. It's to make his students more aware of where they are placing their feet and to keep them moving. ;) TW
Kamaria Annina said:
Definately not my first accident in the dojang, but a particularly odd one. My friend and I were working on sparring drills last night and as per usual he checked me. However when he did so, I moved in at the same time, and he stepped on my big toe.

Of course I've been stepped on before, but the odd thing was, I tried to shake it off like other times before, however I found myself limping, I looked down and the nail of my big toe was going blue!

I eventually had to lay down and elevate my foot, and my instructors told me I might lose my toenail (:S), but perhaps not because today pink is coming back into it even though I can't walk.

So anyone have any weird accidents such as this?
I'm sorry to hear that Kamaria :(

I know the toes take a beating in martial arts training. I've ripped many a toe nail off in my years at it. I have also unfortunely broke most of my toes and fingers multipule times too.

I think the one thing that gets me more then most is, when you take care of your toe and finger nails, and your partner still ends up slicing and dicing you.

I hope you heal up quickly.
One time at a seminar we were practicing forward rolls. However it was off of the unsupported side (or lead leg side). It had been a while since I had practiced rolling much less in this manner. Anyway there wasn't any mats just carpeting on the floor, and when I went to do one of the rolls (I think from a standing position) I hit wrong and seperated my shoulder.

I told the head instructor (Dr. Gyi) and at break he took me outside in the hallway and worked on my shoulder for about 10 min. I almost blacked out from the pain. However when I got back to TX and saw my chiropracter and explained what happened he told me that Dr. Gyi did a real good job of resetting the shoulder in place and that if he hadn't of done it I would have been in a world of hurt.

Sorry to hear about your accident. Toes are the hardest thing to heal for a martial artist. Do not rush it and you will be back to form in no time.
Oh yeah, that has never happened to me, but I anxiously await my graduation to it! Sorry to hear about your pain. It comes with the territory I guess.
Well the most bizaar that I know of is when I high blocked and a short stick went between my index and middle finger and split the skin all the way to the knuckles nedless to say it hurt like a ***** and took almost six weeks to heal. GOD BLESS AMERICA
Ouch! And to think that MA has the lowest incidents of physical accidents! At least that is what I've been told.
We were lining up in class one time, when as I passed the guy I was lining next to, I clipped his achilles tendon with my little toe. After a few seconds I thought, "Oooh that hurt" I looked down and my toe was sitting at right angles to my foot. I thought it was dislocated and made the adjustment to put it straight.
The next day I went to the doctor. He said there was good news and bad news.
The good news was that my toe was NOT broken! :)
The bad news was that the socket that the toe sits in WAS! :(
I have been training since I was 12 years old, I'm now 39, this was the only martial arts related break I have had.

I know of a guy that did JiuJutsu, that stood on his big toe with the foot that the toe is connected to. He's actually done it with both feet, and no longer trains because of these two incidents.

Well, aside from the usual cracked ribs and broken nose, I did do something kinda silly when I was a beginner.

I was doing punches in a horse stance, and while punching with the left and pulling back with the right, I let my hands get too close. And my left thumb-nail, which was obviously too long, tore a nice groove of skin out of the entire length of my right thumb.

Not particularly nasty, but geeze I felt stupid.
Well when I was younger and became interested in martial arts I was watching my older cousin practice a weapons form using two nunchuks. I wanted to show him that I could do the form also so he let me try. I was doing fine up until the end when I accidentally twirled an end of a chuk right below my eye.:xtrmshock

That hurt to say the least. It caused a cut and swelling as well as a bruised ego. But you live and learn.

I was recently at a Tournament and in the sparring event when i threw a spinning hook kick+round house. it was light contact but just felt right. anyways I missed the hook kick to his head but the round house hit the face cafe of his helmet and I jammed my big left toe on his forhead. i got the point but he won cause I kept limping and not throwing kicks. ouch it still hurts. But I exectued it least i was told

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