Someone said every President has their war... I guess inheriting Bush's Afghanistan's war isn't the same as having one to call your very own. That China wants to be rid of it's annoying neighbor was also echoed by several folks I know. I don't know about that... it seems that China would want to keep NK as a means of advance troops for an invasion should they have a mind. Somewhat like Cuban Auxiliaries for the Soviets back in the day. Cannon fodder if you will. I've been seeing North Korea as a young bully throwing it's weight around trying to be as bad-*** as the big boys. China being it's older brother, quietly sitting in the background largely ignoring it's kid brother as he postures and acts all big. Should kid brother actually get into a fight China might help out... provided kid brother picks on someone his own size (i.e. South Korea)... however when the little guy starts messing with the bigger kids on the block, China will either do, IMO, one of three things... 1. Let North Korea get it's *** kicked and do nothing, so to protect it's relations with the rest of the planet as they're beginning to see how profitable it is to do so. 2. Help out and get into WWIII and possibly a nuke confrontation which would result in a mell of a hess. 3. Grab North Korea by the back of the collar, and make them apologize and behave themselves or all the toys will be taken away and they're left on their own. Saber rattling isn't what it used to be. Imagine some guy coming into your Dojo and just talking crap... you probably wouldn't take 'em seriously would you? But the same guy coming in and pushing your students around roughly... (basically looking for a fight)... that's the best analogy I can think of. If we do go into war with Korea (again
) hopefully it'll just STAY conventional. All the nasty stuff that was invented after the first time will stay locked up. Biological and chemical as well as nuclear. Odds are it'll be a brief conflict, with losses on both sides. That's just my guess. Likely it's a bad one at that. Oh also read somewhere there'll be a remake of Red Dawn using China and Korea as the invaders this time around. How timely is THAT?