Obama Presidency and Transparency....

Would you concede a substantive difference between how the MSM and the general public treat each president, given you thoughts that each man is essentially the same?

Of course there's a substantive difference between the two. The MSM, as so many choose to call it, is wholly corporate owned-it is the organ by which our corporate masters instruct us in how and what to think. It is also their chief organ for manipulating the very real polarization of our populace along essentially meaningless ideological lines-the one sure way to manipulate the outcome of the democratic process is to own both sides, lock, stock, and barrel, make people think that there's a real difference between the two, and allow each side an opportunity to think that they're "winning," and that the process works, while being permitted to pursue your agenda. It's been this way for some time-it's only now, as that polarization becomes more distinct, that it becomes more and more apparent. Forget about the way Bush was treated in the last administration, or how he was perceived-just remember that even at his lowest popularity, nearly half the populace supported him-same as Obama, really. Think about Clinton-a man who some people still say is complicit in multiple murders, cover-ups, and financial rip-offs,a man who was impeached, and still left office with nearly half of the populace supporting him.

In the coming months, pay very close attention to how the Republican candidates are winnowed down, mostly by external media events, until they reach a point where the Republicans believe that they are "choosing" a candidate, when, in reality, the likely choices will all be the public face of the same corporate masters who are running the Obama show.

Like I said, you've been hoodwinked. Bamboozled. Flimflammed. Led astray.
Like I said, you've been hoodwinked. Bamboozled. Flimflammed. Led astray.

You must be making some sort of assumption here.. presumably that I voted for either? Or was the "you" directed at "them" in general, rather that "me" as an individual.

So, for the sake of discussion, if we move forward with the understanding that everything else you said is correct, then why the substantive difference in how the MSM/corporate masters et al. responded to Bush vs Obama? If your prior explanation is the truth, then what is it about Obama that is so much more in line with their agenda than with Bush? Why give Obama a pass to a degree that the media response is so readily perceivable as to be described as substantive?
You must be making some sort of assumption here.. presumably that I voted for either? Or was the "you" directed at "them" in general, rather that "me" as an individual.

So, for the sake of discussion, if we move forward with the understanding that everything else you said is correct, then why the substantive difference in how the MSM/corporate masters et al. responded to Bush vs Obama? If your prior explanation is the truth, then what is it about Obama that is so much more in line with their agenda than with Bush? Why give Obama a pass to a degree that the media response is so readily perceivable as to be described as substantive?

Stop thinking of it as giving a pass to "Obama," or differences between Bush and Obama.That's impossible, as there is no difference. Think, instead, of the manipulation of the public's consciousness, what I've called "you" in previous posts. This is how we wind up having lower income people insisting that tax hikes are "bad," especially taxes on corporate income, when, in fact, tax hikes are inevitable at this point. So when Obama is reelected-with the vote of less than 40% of the plebiscite-he'll make the unpopular and necessary move of raising income tax-but not on corporations.

The entire manipulation isn't about "right" or "left": it's about what you're made to think, while a corporate agenda is driven through by both sides. Thus it is that questionable infringements like the USA PATRIOT Act become the law of the land-lots of noise when Bush did it, including words of support from those who supported him:It fills in a lot of holes, and You don't have anything to worry about if you haven't done anything wrong, and-I love this one-It only affects those who aren't American citizens :lfao: -lots less now that Obama's in office, even less through his next term-next to none by the time another Republican is in the White House.

While Obama is in office, in addition to raising income taxes, he'll push through agenda items that will be called "socialist," and we'll see even more infringement upon our "Constitutional rights." It's not a "left" or "right" thing, though-it's not about either of those ideologies.

It's about corporate control of all commerce-the food we eat, the gas we use, the information we receive and put out. What we think.

It's about controlling "you"And you.
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