NYS Governor orders 8900 layoffs

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
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North American Tectonic Plate
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — Gov. David Paterson on Tuesday ordered layoffs that could total about 4 percent of state workers after unions refused concessions amid a staggering economic downturn that was projected to push the state's deficit to $16 billion in the next year.

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This is interesting seeing that he appears to not apply any of his concern to himself or his staff when it comes to NYS' Economic Crisis. But he wants to lag pay, cut benefits and lay off others and all of this apparently seems to be OK with the major media groups in my area. As the polictical cartoon in a local paper this moring showed the Unions as terrorists in a tank attacking New York Tax payers.... by the way NYS employees are NYS tax payers too.



And then of course spending $20,000 on carpets is apparently ok in this “Economic Crisis” Just as a comparison a Grade 6 CSEA hire rate is $25,146

I don't have a real high opinion of this guy for obvious reasons, my job could be one of the 8900 but I have been reading the paper today in my area and I am just sick and tired of "the Union" is the problem campaign. I am not a big fan of Unions either but without them, in the case of our illustrious Governor Patterson :rolleyes:, they are necessary.
I am sure his HIGHLY paid staff who recently got outstanding pay raises would agree

This is a point I heard a lot today..... a grade 9 is supposed to give up her gigantic 3% raise, while Patterson's staff - whose raises alone were more than some people make - keep their raises?

Why don't THOSE New Yorkers have to 'share in the sacrifice'? Wonder how many of THOSE will be laid off?

Of course, AIG gave Patterson's party $100,000 just before the bail outs started........ one can be sure they expected nothing in return?

So.... let's recap:

AIG execs who helped cause this mess - award million dollar bonuses
Governor staff - award huge raises
State worker - lose your 3% raise .... or lose your job,

What the Hell have they done to my country?
Let me get this right big government is cutting regular Joe pay and in return give themself a hefty raise..... ummm seems like they have there priority staight, what seems to be the problem? They are living the American Dream the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.:rofl:
What happened was that Governor Patterson secretly gave his own staff huge raises.... he then turns around and, in the name of 'everyone' sharing sacrifices, tells the unions that they either go back on the contract they had and submit to loss of raises, unpaid furloughs, pension penalties and other things..... or he will lay off 8900 state workers.

Recall, AIG incompetent execs just haaaaaaaaaaaaaad to get their bonuses because there was a contract. State workers had a contract too - only the average joe is told: Lose your contract or lose your job.

What the hell have they done to our country?:angry:
Personally, I think State Gov's should all work for $1 a year.
It's a union right?

So they should all quit in protest. The state government will immediately grind to a halt, and because they'll all be out of a job, and the government and their friends have destroyed our economy, they'll immediately have to go on the dole in order to survive.

Now the state is frozen without labor and bankrupted by social welfare.

That should get their attention.

But it wouldn't.

Personally, I think State Gov's should all work for $1 a year.

So that honest folk like you couldn't afford to do it?

The state cutting back to save raising taxes seems reasonable to me. How do we know it has the "right" number of employees now? Yes, there'll be costs to this too...but not as high as salary and benefits. Why are so many people in favor of the govt. welfare program of hiring unneeded govt. employees at taxpayer expense?
So that honest folk like you couldn't afford to do it?

The state cutting back to save raising taxes seems reasonable to me. How do we know it has the "right" number of employees now? Yes, there'll be costs to this too...but not as high as salary and benefits. Why are so many people in favor of the govt. welfare program of hiring unneeded govt. employees at taxpayer expense?


That's all it is. They exist to justify their existence.

Of course, I would expand this to include all government employees, but I know not everyone shares that particular view.

So that honest folk like you couldn't afford to do it?

The state cutting back to save raising taxes seems reasonable to me. How do we know it has the "right" number of employees now? Yes, there'll be costs to this too...but not as high as salary and benefits. Why are so many people in favor of the govt. welfare program of hiring unneeded govt. employees at taxpayer expense?

Well, the operative term is "unneeded", isn't it? If indeed they were truly unneeded, what were they even doing on the payroll for so long in the first place? It is a relevant question in this earthly purgatory...

But who decides what employees are 'unneeded'? Could it by chance be the same higher level folks who loaded the agency up with (mostly political appointee) dead wood in the first place? When they get to cutting, will be be Senator Snurd's younger brother in Albany HQ..... or a couple of service folks who actually dealt with the public?

Will cuts be made from the array of valets/gofers/toe massagers in Albany.... or worker bees? I see you are smart enough to dwell in my wife's state, Indiana, but I think those living in New York will tell you what and whose 'needs' apply here in the Peoples Republic.

Also, personnel cuts "to save raising" taxes? Kindly forgive our most rude laughter, as you are not from this despoiled land, but in New York it is always layoffs plus new taxes. The Governor has also proposed an insane array of new taxes and fees that once would have had people dumping tea into harbors. In this way, most private industry jobs will continue to be eliminated, too. We will all be equal in the end.... perhaps we can get a handout from a passing AIG exec.......
Well, the operative term is "unneeded", isn't it? If indeed they were truly unneeded, what were they even doing on the payroll for so long in the first place?

The answer is often politics. A good hiring program makes a legislator/governor/mayor popular. At other times it's a case of a boon year allowing more to be done. But as populations shift, a state that once needed a certain number of DMV personnel may be able to do the same with 10% less if their state has had a population decline, or if computer efficiencies allow it.

But who decides what employees are 'unneeded'?

The buck stops with the governor.

Also, personnel cuts "to save raising" taxes? Kindly forgive our most rude laughter, as you are not from this despoiled land

Au contraire, mon frere...I was born (Elmira) and raised (near Buffalo) there, through college (Syracuse). The money they take in must be spent somewhere. If that money could be used to repair schools, lower SUNY tuition, improve health care for the poor, etc., would that be OK?
Patterson offered to take a 10% pay cut. That's about $18,500.
About what the average NYer makes in a year.

How about, he take a cut to a paltry $50,000 / year? Surely, that tiny amount is still a living wage.
Well, then, I must credit you doubly for having the good sense to flee when you could.

But the Governor personally does not make the firing decisions.... he delegates that to the political appointees who run the various agencies. Would one believe the cuts will be based upon public need.... or some other considerations? Will the bloated central office staff be trimmed - or will the offices who actually serve the public suffer decimation? I would say the second options.

The staffing isn't always done purely on local considerations, as widespread computerization allows state workers to address work at the other end of the state.... but this doesn't change the fact that we must have a sufficient number of workers 'somewhere' to get the job done.

I have seen too much of this state to ever again believe solemn assurances that this money raised by taxes/layoffs/lottery will EVER be put to the specific uses promised. If I had a dime for each raid, I'd be able to hire somebody to type these for me.

I would also say schools are more than the buildings. Of what use is a modern building if the excellent teachers have been laid off or forced into early retirement? I should say the same for bridges without inspectors, jails with insufficient staff, hospitals without nurses and so on.