NY State Worker Gets $82,789 For No Work

Bob Hubbard

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No wonder NYS is in such a bloody mess....

NY State Worker Gets $82,789 For No Work


Author: James M. Odato Source: Albany Times Union (NY)


To some people, Patricia Freund's job might sound perfect. But she doesn't think so.

Monday through Friday, she arrives at her spartan office at the State Liquor Authority at 8 a.m., and, for her entire 7-hour shift, does no work.

She spends the morning reading one of the novels she brings from her Argyle home -- until lunch-time, when she steps from the back office she shares with no one and that her boss never visits.

After the break, she returns to her desk and opens "A Distant Mirror," about the calamitous 14th century, because she has just finished "Bury Me Standing," a story about the journey of gypsies. Besides an occasional daydream, the novels help her pass the hours until quitting time at 4 p.m. Then she quietly slips out the back door, having done nothing productive for the $82,789 she is paid annually. With benefits, her job costs taxpayers more than $100,000 a year.

In a normal week, she speaks to no one, except maybe a janitor, and receives no assignments from her boss, Edward F. Kelly, chairman of the liquor authority, she says.

After 25 years of state service, her career is on hold at best. The reason, she says, is because she has been outspoken about beliefs that public employees should keep their religious lives separate from their work lives. Her downfall, she says, came after she questioned why co-workers, particularly supervisors, attend the governor's annual prayer breakfast, an event she went to in 2000 and found offensive.

[Read Full Story]
Original Thread : http://www.witchvox.com/wren/wn_detail.html?id=11874
Why can't this nice woman just realize that Jesus is Christ and King and just get over this silly little grievence. I'm sure that she can do a lot more zeeroxing for 82 grand a year.

Oh, wait, where did I read that .... How did it go ....

Oh, yeah

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; ....

Something like that.

Go Patricia Go!
I work for a State Agency in WV and it's not that bad but I've seen people in the lunch room tell people eating to shut up because they were trying to pray before they eat. That's just sad.
Bob Hubbard said:
No wonder NYS is in such a bloody mess....

NY State Worker Gets $82,789 For No Work


Author: James M. Odato Source: Albany Times Union (NY)


To some people, Patricia Freund's job might sound perfect. But she doesn't think so.

Monday through Friday, she arrives at her spartan office at the State Liquor Authority at 8 a.m., and, for her entire 7-hour shift, does no work.

She spends the morning reading one of the novels she brings from her Argyle home -- until lunch-time, when she steps from the back office she shares with no one and that her boss never visits.

After the break, she returns to her desk and opens "A Distant Mirror," about the calamitous 14th century, because she has just finished "Bury Me Standing," a story about the journey of gypsies. Besides an occasional daydream, the novels help her pass the hours until quitting time at 4 p.m. Then she quietly slips out the back door, having done nothing productive for the $82,789 she is paid annually. With benefits, her job costs taxpayers more than $100,000 a year.

In a normal week, she speaks to no one, except maybe a janitor, and receives no assignments from her boss, Edward F. Kelly, chairman of the liquor authority, she says.

After 25 years of state service, her career is on hold at best. The reason, she says, is because she has been outspoken about beliefs that public employees should keep their religious lives separate from their work lives. Her downfall, she says, came after she questioned why co-workers, particularly supervisors, attend the governor's annual prayer breakfast, an event she went to in 2000 and found offensive.

[Read Full Story]
Original Thread : http://www.witchvox.com/wren/wn_detail.html?id=11874

This kind of stuff happens all the time in the business world for a wide variety of reasons such as not supporting a new computer system that is being proposed, not finishing a project on time, etc....*shrug
cashwo said:
I work for a State Agency in WV and it's not that bad but I've seen people in the lunch room tell people eating to shut up because they were trying to pray before they eat. That's just sad.
Now THAT is being rude. If they want to excercise their right to pray before every meal then hey, have at it, but to rudely haul off and to tell me to shut up so they can do so... I'm sorry that's stepping on my free right to enjoy my lunch before I have to get back to work.

Sure it's a sign of respect by lowering one's voice so at least the one's praying aren't losing their train of thought when doing so. It's important to keep one's mind focused when doing something like that. Not being a distraction is a sign of respect. But there are limits.

But that's not what this thread is about is it? :D
I'd probably go out of my mind after a while, if I was being paid 83K a year for doing NOTHING. It's totally ridiculous that this sort of thing actually goes on. A lot of people take advantage of that situation and that's wrong. Wasting tax-paying money. For 25 years she did this... jeez man!
That to me is the real issue here not because she was fired on account that she bitched about some prayer breakfast.
I could handle a job like that.

The way I read this, her manager ought to be fired. By re-tasking her to "nothingness", he/she has irresponsibly chosen to completely waste public money in order to "punish" this employee. Given that there are no justifiable grounds for dismissal, this was the "best" he could do. Bad manager.
Bob Hubbard said:
To some people, Patricia Freund's job might sound perfect. But she doesn't think so.

Monday through Friday, she arrives at her spartan office at the State Liquor Authority at 8 a.m., and, for her entire 7-hour shift, does no work.

She spends the morning reading one of the novels she brings from her Argyle home -- until lunch-time, when she steps from the back office she shares with no one and that her boss never visits.
Is there a way real people can get this kind of job? If so, where do I send my resume?
Adept said:
Is there a way real people can get this kind of job? If so, where do I send my resume?

Don't bother - these type of socialist jobs are running thin. There just aint enough tits on the pig.
MisterMike said:
Don't bother - these type of socialist jobs are running thin. There just aint enough tits on the pig.

Can you point out anywhere that defines "socialism" as "retaliating against employees who point out the illegal behavior of their supervisors"? Or are you just rattling cages?
And her whole point is that this is wrong. That she doesn't want to do nothing. That she has done nothing to warrant the demotion. It probably was none of her business to e-mail the director or HR to see if the other supervisors were using their paid time appropriately, but that behaviour warranted a reprimand at worst. It is difficult to be in a work situation where you see inappropriate or questionable behaviours and do nothing. But is it always your responsibilty to speak up? Or is it sometimes not your problem.

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