NW Yiliquan Association Annual Seminar

Matt Stone

Master of Arts

The final arrangements are underway for the Northwest Yiliquan Association's annual seminar with the headmaster of Yiliquan, Sifu Phillip Starr.

Sifu Starr will be presenting a seminar on aspects of training and application of Yiliquan and the three internal styles of Xingyiquan, Taijiquan and Baguazhang. The seminar will be held on 26 September 2004, from 9 AM until 4 PM (give or take), at the Bennest Dojo, 8024 South Tacoma Way, Tacoma, WA. The fee for the seminar is $35 per person. We have no affiliation with the school nor their association, but they have been very welcoming to us for past events we needed space for, so we continue to avail ourselves of their hospitality.

Our seminar is being coordinated this year with the seminar being presented by Sensei John Kerker on Isshinryu Karate. Sensei Kerker is a former senior student of Yiliquan and an excellent exponent of Isshinryu who has taken over for his teacher Sensei Sherm Harrill, and we are hoping he will come out to join us at our seminar as well. I know we will all be attending his seminar for sure (I never miss a chance to be Sensei Kerker's uke, even if I have purple, yellow and black "souveniers" to take home afterward...)

I hope to see some of you on the 26th. Because of distance, we don't get a chance to train with our teacher more than once a year, so it is an event we really look forward to. We'd like to share that training with you and your students if you are interested.

For more information regarding the seminar, Sifu Starr, or Yiliquan in general, please contact me either via email or at 253-921-1782.

See you soon!

Good Luck with this event. I hope you have a great turn out, and I know everyone will have a good time.


These events are only about 10 days away. If anyone is planning on attending, please let me know so I can plan accordingly.


Matt Stone said:

The final arrangements are underway for the Northwest Yiliquan Association's annual seminar with the headmaster of Yiliquan, Sifu Phillip Starr.

Sifu Starr will be presenting his seminar on aspects of training and application of Yiliquan and the three internal styles of Xingyiquan, Taijiquan and Baguazhang. There will be an intro to Yiliquan's Strategy, our Trinity of Distance-Timing-Rhythm and their importance in combat, some applications of each of the Eight Shapes (Heaven, Earth, Water, Wood, Metal, Mountain, Fire and Wind) against punches, kicks, grabs and grappling, Principles of Technique and Motion, Principles of Combat, Training for Combat, a demo to contrast the 3 internals (Xingyi, Taiji, Bagua), and an intro to internal striking The seminar will be held on 26 September 2004, from 9 AM until 4 PM (give or take), at the Bennest Dojo, 8024 South Tacoma Way, Tacoma, WA. The fee for the seminar is $35 per person.

Our seminar is being coordinated this year with the seminar being presented by Sensei John Kerker on Isshinryu Karate. Sensei Kerker is a former senior student of Yiliquan and an excellent exponent of Isshinryu who has taken over for his teacher Sensei Sherm Harrill, and we are hoping he will come out to join us at our seminar as well. I know we will all be attending his seminar for sure (I never miss a chance to be Sensei Kerker's uke, even if I have purple, yellow and black "souveniers" to take home afterward...)

I hope to see some of you on the 26th. Because of distance, we don't get a chance to train with our teacher more than once a year, so it is an event we really look forward to. We'd like to share that training with you and your students if you are interested.

For more information regarding the seminar, Sifu Starr, or Yiliquan in general, please contact me either via email or at 253-921-1782.

See you soon!

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