
still learning

Senior Master
Nov 8, 2004
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Hello, Do you take any type of nutritions? Supplements? for your martial art training?

For myself..just a daily multi vitamins and minerals pill(Kirkland). Certain days (redbull)....sometimes "Emer'gen-"C, from Alacer.

Which ones have you found works best for you? ...Aloha
I have taken various supplements like protein shakes onmmany occasion, though I struggle with sticking to a healthy eating plan. I do take vitamins when I remember and tend to first try homeopathic methods for illness etc. I have used Advocare products and EAS products. I like both but after awhile th expense gets me especially the Advocare products.
Moderator Note:

Thread moved to Health Tips for the Martial Artist.

G Ketchmark / shesulsa
MT Senior Moderator
I just drink Kauai coffee! Just kidding. Actually we get the coffee shipped to us monthly.

I take Shaklee vitamins, calcium/mag, glucosamine sulfate, MSM, Nutriferon (Shaklee immunity booster), and Juice Plus (derivatives of vegetables or fruits). Also been trying to stick to the South Beach diet in theory now. TW
I try to keep my fat/protien/carb ratios at about 1/3 each, like the Zone diet recomends. Just makes sense to me. I also buy whole food as much as possible trying to follow the Weston A. Price Foundation food guidelines.
I eat a lot. And need to eat more as I am struggling to maintain weight recently. Multi-Vits, 0-3 supps, proteen bombs.
Shirt Ripper said:
I eat a lot. And need to eat more as I am struggling to maintain weight recently. Multi-Vits, 0-3 supps, proteen bombs.

Explain Protein Bomb, please. :)
Shirt Ripper said:
My bad; just slang for protein shake..powder..eggs...whatever.
-No, the "protien bomb" comes later if you drink too many of those :)
Hello, Do you take any type of nutritions? Supplements? for your martial art training?

For myself..just a daily multi vitamins and minerals pill(Kirkland). Certain days (redbull)....sometimes "Emer'gen-"C, from Alacer.

Which ones have you found works best for you? ...Aloha

I drink Shakeology (meal replacement drink) and Results and Recovery Formula (post-workout). I also take a multivitamin.