IT'S STILL OPTIONAL. I fly a lot, and all of it since these things have been around. Haven't yet gone through the scanners or been molested. That's eight flights in the last four weeks, and god knows how many in the last year. Through several major hubs and minor locales across the country. You can choose to go through the standard metal detectors, and if you're calm and follow the rules, you can expect things to go smoothly. The worst I've had is a second go round through the metal detector or a wanding because I forgot to take off my belt. I don't see that as unreasonable at all, and I don't see removing my shoes or laptop as any more than a minor inconvenience.
Do some TSA employees take this too far? Of course, it's human nature. But denying service and treating them ALL as undesireable is foolish. What is needed is more training and more individual accountability. And of course, more common sense on everyone's part.