"Now I am the master!"

Flying Crane said:
IWe have become so infatuated with rank, I think it really becomes a mess. I expressed my own opinions about this in another thread, but I do think we would be better off with a simplified blackbelt system. My feelings are that there should be only two levels of blackbelt: Blackbelt Non-Instructor, and Blackbelt Instructor. Instructor rank would be given by one's teacher whenever he feels it is merited. It could be given immediately when blackbelt is awarded, or it could be given years later or never. Of course there is always more to learn, this does not mean you have reached the pinnacle, but I think it is time to move beyond the mess created by the dan system. I think it is time to grow up a bit, and this could be a step in that direction.

Me too! If I hear about ONE more 40 year old 10th degree black belt, I think I will go crazy. I know Bujinkan has their own system and that is not what I am speaking of; what I mean is that EVERY town these days has several claiming such inflated rank. This system has gotten out of hand and is really doing a lot of harm to the arts, IMHO.:erg:
Kembudo-Kai Kempoka said:
"Lord-God King BuFu",:bow:
Nice....but not enough...
ME? They MUST address me as "Grand-Almighty Supreme Emporer-Deity, (G.A.S.E.D.) BuFu"....
has a nice ring to it...
Jonathan Randall said:
Me too! If I hear about ONE more 40 year old 10th degree black belt, I think I will go crazy. :erg:
I understand where you are coming from, but I feel that those that are dazzled by the pretty stripes on the Black Belt.... they can have'm. Most real martial artists will still know who's who and who knows what, even if everyone's in jeans. Those people with inflated rank and little real skill or knowledge/experience....
they've got to justify things to themselves.

Something very interesting happened in my hometown: a new school moved into town with a multi-striped grand-poo-bah type guy leading it. Well....it must be contageous....because in regular "Keeping up with the Jone's" style...some of the 'older' instructors at other more established schools suddenly started getting more cute little stripes on their belts as well, even though they'd not even seen their instructors in a while.
My old instructor from back home, I'm happy to report, lead a quiet protest by wearing only a plain black, non-embroidered, regular width and leng, simple black (not satin) belt and telling anyone who asks: "I've never needed more. Now lets work out....."

Your Brother

"THose who over-inflate are bound to POP."
Kembudo-Kai Kempoka said:
I require my students to address me as, "Lord-God King BuFu", under threat of boredom and damnation.
So like, do they, like, have to, like, buy their gis at, like, the Galleria?? Gag me with a spoon!!
Brother John said:
Nice....but not enough...
ME? They MUST address me as "Grand-Almighty Supreme Emporer-Deity, (G.A.S.E.D.) BuFu"....
has a nice ring to it...

Aghast and in awe, I may have to reconsider the title associated with my next self-promotion. Perhaps I can figger out another "S"..."GASSED".

Kembudo-Kai Kempoka said:
Like, um, so, uh...what's...you know, not kewl about the...like...um...you know, ...Galleria?
OHmygawd, like, the Galleria is so, you know, like, yesterday?? It's totally NOT hot.
Kembudo-Kai Kempoka said:
Aghast and in awe, I may have to reconsider the title associated with my next self-promotion. Perhaps I can figger out another "S"..."GASSED".


Grand All-Mighty Super Supreme Emporer Deity....
that's me....
just tested 3 minutes ago.

Supre Supreme....that's the one with bell peppers, right??

Your Brother
Brother John said:
Grand All-Mighty Super Supreme Emporer Deity....
that's me....
just tested 3 minutes ago.

Supre Supreme....that's the one with bell peppers, right??

Your Brother
How can I get one. Please I want to be a G.A.S.S.E.D can I please can I.
Brother John said:
I understand where you are coming from, but I feel that those that are dazzled by the pretty stripes on the Black Belt.... they can have'm. Most real martial artists will still know who's who and who knows what, even if everyone's in jeans. Those people with inflated rank and little real skill or knowledge/experience...they've got to justify things to themselves.
I agree.
Brother John said:
My old instructor from back home, I'm happy to report, lead a quiet protest by wearing only a plain black, non-embroidered, regular width and leng, simple black (not satin) belt and telling anyone who asks: "I've never needed more. Now lets work out....."
Wow--good for him! :)
Brother John said:
My old instructor from back home, I'm happy to report, lead a quiet protest by wearing only a plain black, non-embroidered, regular width and leng, simple black (not satin) belt and telling anyone who asks: "I've never needed more. Now lets work out....."

Your Brother

"THose who over-inflate are bound to POP."

John I already like the sounds of your instructor. This leads to my next question. How many of us black belts still wear stripes and on their belts? If you do why? If not why? Just curious.

In the spirit of bushido!

chinto01 said:
John I already like the sounds of your instructor. This leads to my next question. How many of us black belts still wear stripes and on their belts? If you do why? If not why? Just curious.

In the spirit of bushido!


Mine has stripes on it, but personally, it makes no difference to me if it has them or if it doesn't. IMHO, its the persons skills that mater, no how many stripes/bars are on the belt.

Stripes what stripes, Like 1 stripe or bar/ Dan or something?

Atleast in Finland in all martial arts I have trained nobody uses any stripes in their black belts.
And ofcourse that means I dont use stripes in my black belt.
To me, the stripes, just like the belt it's self, are what my instructor said to wear, so I do and will. They represent his faith in me and his opinion of me. So, because of that, I'll wear what I'm given. But I won't make the mistake so many make...
that belt only covers two inches of my ****...
it's up to ME to cover the rest!!

in other words, it's Not about the belt. The belt, the certs...etc. I really appreciate what they represent, but in the end they are just the wall paper, not the house itself.

Your Brother
Brian R. VanCise said:
Your belt and certificates
should have meaning to you but they are unimportant when you
are defending your life against a violent predator.

Brian R. VanCise
or when passing your art to another and helping them cultivate their abilities, understanding and character. THAT doesn't depend on rank, rank is NO assurance of quality.

Your Brother
chinto01 said:
John I already like the sounds of your instructor. This leads to my next question. How many of us black belts still wear stripes and on their belts? If you do why? If not why? Just curious.

In the spirit of bushido!


I tried not to, but about a year after getting awarded my 2nd black, my instructor pulled me aside and asked me to put the stripes on, so I did. He has said that the belts up to black are yours (the student), the ranks after black are for your instructor. Essentially so he can say "thats my student and I've brough him this far." I started in traditional karate and the unadorned black belt just appeals to me, if I ever run my own school I will revert back to a plain black belt.
