Not quite sure if I should start BJJ....


White Belt
Hello there everyone.

I'm a 15 y/o girl about 135 pounds (61kg) and I'm around 5'10' (177cm) and I've been training Hapkido for maybe 3 months now. I've been thinking of signing up to start doing BJJ at the place where I train in September (when I turn 16) because then I can be in the adult class and get adult belts. By then I'll probably have 7 months worth of Hapkido training so I'll be relatively fit and somewhat stronger. I'm planning on training 2 days a week and perhaps sparring with my mates sometimes too.

The reason I wanna train is to supplement my Hapkido because I'd like to get fitter and I'd like to learn ground defense. I' pretty uncomfortable with such close body contact usually but that's why I'd like to join; so I can overcome that and learn more discipline. I have a great respect for the technique and patience it takes to earn your belts and I'd really like to be part of such a system.

One slight problemhowever is that I would be likely be the only young lady in that class which might make the others a bit uncomfortable and affect their training too :L

My question to you folks is do you think I'm up for it?
As You said, if You are the only young female there, You may make others uncomfortable.
Therefore, if You do it, Id suggest going in a bit heavy handed, as a way of saying "Im being forceful. You have to be forceful to counteract that, instead of being hesitant.".

As for You Yourself, of course Youre up for it. Very few systems require anything of You but the will to learn them.
I'd do it. Roll with more experienced guys first as a rule, regardless of size. Much better rolling with a calm, experienced 210lb guy than a 150lb spazz. The experienced guy will also be more comfortable with rolling with you.

Close contact is unavoidable. If you're uncomfortable don't feel bad about stopping. I love BJJ, it's a great system.

Also, if you want, when you start BJJ you can wear board shorts and flip flops everywhere and call everyone "brah" or "bro". I had that phase shortly after I started grappling. I think I decided I was BJ Penn. :bangahead:
Okay. First thing is yes. If you want to do it, you can absolutely do it. It's awesome and many females have a blast with BJJ.

Second, don't worry about the guys. There might be some who are uncomfortable, but most won't have any problems at all.

Third, read the resources here:
and here:

Be serious. Don't be flakey, and have fun. :)

I don't know about calling people bro, but a lot of guys say 'oss' about every third word.
Okay. First thing is yes. If you want to do it, you can absolutely do it. It's awesome and many females have a blast with BJJ.

Second, don't worry about the guys. There might be some who are uncomfortable, but most won't have any problems at all.

Third, read the resources here:
and here:

Be serious. Don't be flakey, and have fun. :)

I don't know about calling people bro, but a lot of guys say 'oss' about every third word.

I did that too...hahaha. Yes I feel like an idiot but I thought it was cool for a while.
At the risk of sounding like a complete idiot ..... rolling?


Links Steve posted are pretty good starting points.

One bit of advice, before you start, make sure you know the right way to let them know you had enough. Tap, say 'uncle', be clear on it. Your joints will thank you later.
Look around for schools with more women in BJJ classes. Our school even has it's own women's class. Usually 6-8 attend.
I used to train at a place that had about a dozen guys in each class and a couple of girls that came pretty regular. I remember I was little apprehensive at first. One girl in particular was young, petite, and attractive so there was both the "I'm a married man rolling around with a pretty girl" and the "I'm so much bigger and stronger" thing. However, once we got into the rhythm of class and rotating partners it wasn't an issue at all. For the most part, the nicest people I've met are in BJJ classes and I'd be amazed to hear if the guys were anything less than gentlemen who were very helpful in your quest.
Go for it! I do kickboxing and I'm the only girl and love it! I haven't met an unfriendly male in my MA training. They are polite, encouraging and really helpful! There were a few who were a bit too restrained... But that didn't last long! ;) go in a bit heavy, show them your there to train, once they realise your not gonna complain about a bit of contact you will soon be on of the guys! If it's what you want to do then do it! :) if your wary about body contact wear protective items. I love sparring but don't wear a box, however we seem to be applying more groin shots/hits/grabs into the technical side of training so I have now bought one just to make me feel more comfortable. There's ways in which you can train and also feel at ease doing so. Hope you enjoy BJJ :)
I'm WAY late to this conversation - but in hopes that others may read it:

I try to live my life in such a way that I don't have long term regrets. What I mean is: if you want to do it, do it. Letting self-doubt talk you out of it is only something you will regret. Do people generally say "oh man I'm so glad I decided not to do that thing I loved because I thought someone would laugh at me?" Nah. They'll say "Oh man, I wish I had had enough courage to just GO FOR IT." I don't want fear or self-doubt to prevent me from doing what I want to do.

When I started jiu jitsu, I was: 33 year-old woman, very overweight, extremely out of shape, non-athletic, nerdy, and a foreigner in Korea who didn't speak Korean. I had a million reasons NOT to do it: I was about 10 years older than everyone, men outnumbered the women over 10-1, everyone looked VERY fit, not-nerdy, and most were Koreans. But I did it for me, everyone else be hanged. I went in assuming (rightly so) that I would be the worst in class, but heck - SOMEONE had to be worst - may as well be me. I expected to feel silly and stupid, but I also knew I would try, and I would have a good attitude.

There's a tremendously high dropout rate in BJJ - it's not for everyone, and it's extremely challenging. I'm now one of the highest ranked students at my school, and I've been there longer than ALMOST everyone. Weird. I was like the tortoise - and by just chugging along I eventually got more distance than the hare. Shockingly enough, I'm NOT the worst student anymore! That stuff eventually catches up with you! I'm also not the biggest or the fattest or the oldest. I'm just a teammate.

Good luck to you in whatever you choose.
I'm a female BJJ student too, and I love it. There are about 4 women in the class, but life happens and sometimes I'm the only one who shows up. I enjoy rolling with the guys; it's a different experience. They are stronger in different ways and more aggressive. I think it's a more realistic self-defense practice. Also, it does go a long way in desensitizing you to being in intimate contact with (various) men. I like to think that if I ever need to use it for real, that will be at least one aspect that will not be a problem.

Don't worry about hindering their training. When you roll with a bigger guy you force them to be more technical because the spaces are tighter. My teacher always talks about the virtues of practicing with all body types in order to sharpen your technique. BTW I'm 40 years old, 5'1" and 110 lbs and I love drilling with bigger guys. Go for it.

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