Normalcy Bias and Salman Rushdie

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WRONG, we are not supposed to talk politics. I am very into politics and current affair. I watch news hours a day. We can really go into deep debate and I can pull out news clips after news clips.

But we need to leave it at that before we both get banned. This is not the place.
I haven't brought up political ideas leaning on way or the other. I just saying think about what you hear out there. Alot of it is noise.
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6?! That depends a lot on your job and where you live in the world. I have few military buddies that would disagree with those numbers. I have a feeling that a lot of first responders might differ in opinion with that as well.
I don’t think it’s intended to be a hard number. It was mentioned in one of the articles Kirk posted.

edit. Never mind. I just read the rest of the recent posts. 😬
In all fairness, there's a lot of miss conception about "assault riffles". What you can buy is NOT the same as the ones use in war. Those are FULL AUTO, not like the ones you buy that are SEMI AUTO.....that you fire one round each time you pull the trigger. You can shoot no faster than a semi auto handgun.
That's why I said you have to think through all of that noise.

Alot of people make more problem then what is really out there. And I'm not just talking about weapons. In general people sit the pot and create problem that didn't exist before stiring the pot. From one extreme to another just nuts.
My biggest complain is those riffles bullets can go through a lot of walls and kill innocent people that has nothing to do with it. That to me is the biggest problem.
My biggest problem is that the police should never be out gunned. If the police use a revolvers then citizens should get less than that for hand guns or fewer bullets for the same weapon. Don't make the job harder than it already is.

Political discussion is not allowed in any MartialTalk forum. Further political commentary will result in the thread being locked, and may result in points.

Gerry Seymour
MT Moderator
@Gerry Seymour
I have a hard time discerning what's political and what's not.

Is this statement political - if you commit a crime with a firearm, you go to trial the following week, if found guilty you appeal the week after, if found guilty again, you are executed the same day.

Would that be considered political? If so, why?

I honestly want to know because I don't know. Honest.
I have a hard time discerning what's political and what's not.

Is this statement political - if you commit a crime with a firearm, you go to trial the following week, if found guilty you appeal the week after, if found guilty again, you are executed the same day.

Would that be considered political? If so, why?

I honestly want to know because I don't know. Honest.
The way it was explained to me is conversation about defense and use of a gun or against a gun is fine but policy is considered political.
Statistically you have to look at things more specifically. What's the stats for guns being used in mass shootings?

How many hand guns are used 1 -3 people killings vs 4+people killings. It's not enough to just lump them all together as if they are the same. The numbers will be more useful once we can identify which situations dictate the type of gun. But if you guys say hand guns kill more people then let's ban hand guns and keep the AR-15. Since hand guns kill more people. Ban the thing that kills the most people
How bout we figure out why people are killing each other? Help people who need it, get a nationwide mental health system that works, get universal background checks that work. Stop punishing the law abiding citizens for the acts of criminals.
That stuff isn't going to happen here. The US has a history of on group saying "This is for us but not for you. " If the laws were carried out equally then yes, this would be a possibility. But we all know the truth. There some laws for one group that aren't applied equally to another group. People be defenseless in this country. Not when there's a history of Americans turning on each other. Even Alan knows this. Asian people getting attacked in the streets out of hate. Just saying. It's not the first time Asians have been targeted in the US. There are alot of people who you don't think have guns so do. There are people who don't have guns who still want the option to have one of they feel the need.
I thoroughly disagree with your assessment of this, but I don’t think this is the place to have this discussion. Pm me if you like. I’m willing to discuss with you but I don’t want to be banned. In any case, whether you do or don’t pm me, I do want you to know that I understand and respect all opinions on this topic. I do not have all the answers and I hope to get fresh perspectives and communicate rather than try to convince anyone of anything.
just sharing what I was told. But no, I don’t think they meant just the law.

For example, I think @Wing Woo Gar ’s last post is political. But what the hell do I know? 😀
I didn’t mean it that way. I was speaking in a somewhat rhetorical way because I don’t believe I know anything at all for sure on the topic. I think it is worth discussing if people can be polite and constructive. I believe everyone has valid opinion here that can be informative and useful. I did not mean to offend in any way, I apologize if I have.
just sharing what I was told. But no, I don’t think they meant just the law.

For example, I think @Wing Woo Gar ’s last post is political. But what the hell do I know? 😀
Perhaps it could be considered political, but I doubt you could attribute all of those statements to any one political view. That was my point, after all.
OK, I don't want to get into debate, I am all for guns

In your situation, you need long guns like AK47 or AR15. With wild animals and drug cartels, even a 44 Mag handgun is questionable. For me, I live in big city and most people are not around drug cartels and big animals. AK47 and AR15 is not good for self defense, it's way over kill. Problem is the rounds can go through a few houses and kill someone that has nothing to do with it sitting in their living room. Handgun or shot gun is the best way for protection, not AKs.
The .223 makes a better home defense cartridge than many people realize. This is because they tend not to penetrate many walls. The .223 begins to tumble and break up after penetrating a wall or two. Conversely, handgun rounds such as 9mm and .45ACP tend to stay together and penetrate wall after wall until their energy is eventually spent. Lots of tests showing this starting with Box o' Truth and Tom Gresham's Gun Talk. I can post links if you don't feel like googling it.

Peace favor your sword,
Statistically you have to look at things more specifically. What's the stats for guns being used in mass shootings?

This is what I mean by humans not being good at threat assessment. Statistically, it's still handguns. But because of the hysteria and "if it bleeds it leads," people (apparently you included) are worried about AR's. Here:

mass shooting handguns.webp

In all fairness, there's a lot of miss conception about "assault riffles". What you can buy is NOT the same as the ones use in war. Those are FULL AUTO, not like the ones you buy that are SEMI AUTO.....that you fire one round each time you pull the trigger. You can shoot no faster than a semi auto handgun.

The major difference is the bullet penetration. Those riffles with bigger bullets can go through more walls to shoot people hiding behind stuffs. Maybe it's psychological that people use those for mass murder in schools and others. I can shoot just as fast with a Glock 19 handgun as those riffles and I can get magazines that hold just as many rounds. To me, it's easier to carry two or three handguns than one riffle for that.

My biggest complain is those riffles bullets can go through a lot of walls and kill innocent people that has nothing to do with it. That to me is the biggest problem. Also, it's easier to aim using a long gun. You need training to shoot with a handgun.
The .223 tends to tumble and break up after penetrating drywall. Well documented.

Peace favor your sword,
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