Noguchi Shihan teaching at the Dexter Bujinkan Dojo!

Brian R. VanCise

MT Moderator
Staff member
Hey Everyone,

Tonight I am learning from Noguchi Shihan at the Dexter Bujinkan Dojo. ( This will be the second time I have attended this kind of internet training and the first was great. I think these type of sessions are very good in preparing for going to Japan. Getting used to how Noguchi Sensei teaches and the speed of transitions can only help right? Check our Darren Horvath's webpage at and see what I am talking about. We should have a good size group tonight around 12 to 15 people training and trying to learn Noguchi Sensei's teaching's. If you are interested in participating in one contact Darren Horvath and see if your group could try it out. Take care.

Brian R. VanCise

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