No Training ... got laid off. Help!

You've got the right attitude, karatekid. This too shall pass.

And your attitude you have is what will get you through this bump in the road and make you a better MAist. Remember that steel is forged in fire. Use this situation and it will help mold you and make you even better.
Thanks guys.

Well, here's the situation now. I will be training at home. My instructor just told me to hang in there, and come back when I found a job (he did give me names of places that were hiring).

Is that good or bad?
Thanks guys.

Well, here's the situation now. I will be training at home. My instructor just told me to hang in there, and come back when I found a job (he did give me names of places that were hiring).

Is that good or bad?

Laurie---it's not what I would have done in his place. I guess he had his reasons, but... well, we all hope that something comes through for you really soon and you can start training again at your dojang.

Meanwhile, one thing that might be good would be to try to get someone from your dojang, someone whom you figure would be a good practice partner at your level, to meet with you once or twice a week and do one-step/SD type work, and try to work on the kinds of formal routines you'd otherwise be doing in the dojang. If you have access to a rec center or gym, doing bag work to keep your kicks and punches sharp and powerful, and so on. Work through your poomsae at least once every other words, try to carry on as closely as possible to your formal dojang training routines. That way, you can think of it not so much as interrupting your training as temporarily shifting its locale.

Good luck---let us know when things are back in place, OK?
Good post, exile. That's my plan for now. I boyfriend trains, too (different dojang, but same system I was in prior to this one). He is a 1st dan (soon to be 2nd), and he suggested that he can teach me/train with me. I didn't think he would ask since it is the old dojangs curriculum, and he didn't think I would agree. But I did (I remember most of it). So, back to WTF I go ;) And yet again, a new teacher LOL.

You are at a crucial point. You have your red belt. You need more than ever to get your dan. If you can go back to the old school and do that then do so.

It seems like you are getting help in that area so don't waste that. In other words don't punch the gift horse in the mouth. I missed an opportunity to test for dan in Judo twice. I regret it, however I am focused on tae kwon do.
Good post, exile. That's my plan for now. I boyfriend trains, too (different dojang, but same system I was in prior to this one). He is a 1st dan (soon to be 2nd), and he suggested that he can teach me/train with me. I didn't think he would ask since it is the old dojangs curriculum, and he didn't think I would agree. But I did (I remember most of it). So, back to WTF I go ;) And yet again, a new teacher LOL.

I suggust you two set and keep a schedule so it is more like a "private lesson" setup than just a "lets get together and work out every once in awhile."

I can never push myself to work out as hard alone as I can with a group or a partner, although I realize you might be wired differently.
I don't mind the old curriculum. BUT the reason I left that dojang is it was too expensive, and too much crap (politic BS got in the way). I can't go back there. I mean, I'm still invited to go, but I will never train there again. They left a sour taste in my mouth (plus I can't afford it even with a job). So training at home is my best option right now.
I don't mind the old curriculum. BUT the reason I left that dojang is it was too expensive, and too much crap (politic BS got in the way). I can't go back there. I mean, I'm still invited to go, but I will never train there again. They left a sour taste in my mouth (plus I can't afford it even with a job). So training at home is my best option right now.

Karatekid---I remember those problems you had with your previous dojang---it sounds to me like you're well rid of it. zDom's point about keeping a schedule is right on target. The more you can keep your training oriented to the specific goal of getting that dan belt in a realistic time frame, the less likely you are to be derailed.

One other thing you might consider doing is keeping in touch with your `official' instructor---the one you'll be testing for---to let him know on a regular basis what you're up to and what you've been working on in prep for your test. This will serve to remind him that yes, you are still there and you are expecting to go up for that dan test and are working hard to get there, and that you expect him to be interested in the fact that you're doing that. There is nothing that makes a teacher happier than a student who is dead serious about the subject and clearly working hard, and teachers who are happy with a student's attitude are far more willing to go out of their way to accommodate him or her than they would otherwise be. If you subtly convey to your instructor that you regard him as still a part of your MA training life, he's going to keep some element of his commitment to you as a student that he probably wouldn't if you lost touch with him and then, a few months later when you're back on your feet financially, just showed up again. Just a thought---

and good luck on your new program!
Hiya all.

Good news. I did find a job. Well, it's one that I've had one day per week. My boss really needed someone full time. So she asked me, and I took it. It's not exactly what I wanted, but it's full time.

As far as training goes ... I'm on the hunt for a new place to train yet again. I'm eye-balling a place right now. But I have to find the time to stop there. I'll let you know how that turns out. I don't even know what syle they do, so I have to do some questioning, I guess LOL.
Hiya all.

Good news. I did find a job. Well, it's one that I've had one day per week. My boss really needed someone full time. So she asked me, and I took it. It's not exactly what I wanted, but it's full time.

As far as training goes ... I'm on the hunt for a new place to train yet again. I'm eye-balling a place right now. But I have to find the time to stop there. I'll let you know how that turns out. I don't even know what syle they do, so I have to do some questioning, I guess LOL.

Hey, karatekid---sounds very promising. Keep us posted on how it goes. You're gonna get a good break somewhere in all this---has to happen!
Karatekid if you was in my nieghborhood nstop by and I would train you, you have the right attitude about the Art of TKD best of luck.
Thanks exile and Master Terry. Master Terry, if I was in Texas, you can bet that I would be there at your dojang in a flash. I really wish I could. Money talks bro and I have none. But if I did have the money to travel, I wouldn't be here LOL. I would definitely travel.

Thanks to you all for your advice. It helps a lot. I'll keep you posted on the dojang hunt. MT folks rock ;)
I'll keep you posted on the dojang hunt. MT folks rock ;)

You're definitely one of those who rock, Laurie--got a great attitude (`Indomitable Spirit', think it's called). It's not 100% true, but I think it's mostly true that people make their own luck, so I think you are going to do OK in the end.

Do keep us posted---that dan rank is waiting just up ahead for you around the corner...
Hey guys.

I think I finally found a training "home." As you can tell (I haven't posted in a while), it took me a awhile. I am doing a three month trial thing at a Shotokan dojo. So far, I really love it. It's a bit of a hike, though (an hour). And it's only twice a week.

But the up-side is it's only $50 a month, free uniform, and no contracts. And they do the same forms as TSD (with slight differences). So I didn't have to learn the first 4 forms (well, besides tweeking them a little). Sensei is a really cool guy, too. He teaches for the love of the art (he still has a full time job ... the reason he teaches only twice a week).

I'll keep you posted on how it goes (so far so good).
Hey guys.

I haven't posted in a while ... again. But the Shotokan thing didn't work out. Long story.

But I did go back to my old system (WTF TKD) thanks to advice from some of you guys, but at a different dojang. My old instructor (at the main dojang where I trained) in that system doesn't like me (eventhough I still visit there to see my better half train/test), but my best friend as a seperate dojang from him, and I'm going to train with her.

The down side is I can't test, because I would have to test under the old instructor at the main dojang. But then again, she is a 3rd dan. She can test me if she really wanted to. The upside is, she also asked me to help her teach. She is getting a lot of new students and she needs the help. So, I said ok (that's what started the whole thing with training with her). And it's free (if I help her teach, which I will).

So this might be better in the long run. I don't have to relearn anything. And I can't go wrong with free tuition ;)

I'll let you know how it works out. I start tomorrow (friday).

I'm glad that your back into TKD. Your journey certainly shows your Indomitable Spirit.

Welcome Back!
Hey guys.

I haven't posted in a while ... again. But the Shotokan thing didn't work out. Long story.

But I did go back to my old system (WTF TKD) thanks to advice from some of you guys, but at a different dojang. My old instructor (at the main dojang where I trained) in that system doesn't like me (eventhough I still visit there to see my better half train/test), but my best friend as a seperate dojang from him, and I'm going to train with her.

The down side is I can't test, because I would have to test under the old instructor at the main dojang. But then again, she is a 3rd dan. She can test me if she really wanted to. The upside is, she also asked me to help her teach. She is getting a lot of new students and she needs the help. So, I said ok (that's what started the whole thing with training with her). And it's free (if I help her teach, which I will).

So this might be better in the long run. I don't have to relearn anything. And I can't go wrong with free tuition ;)

I'll let you know how it works out. I start tomorrow (friday).

What an absolute hook up. Good for you. I find more wrong with my own technique when helping lower belts than I find on my own. Again, good for you.

Indominateable spirit, you have certainly shown it over the past 6 months.
Thanks guys :) It feels good to be back in TKD. I went to class tonight with my honey (he wanted to go just for the training with our good friend). It was a good workout. Eventhough it's the same system that he's in, she has a different way of teaching it. It's so refreshing. It was a blast. She stayed after class with me and worked on forms (I had a few "brain farts" with the forms during class LOL).

Her highest level student is an orange belt (her dojang is fairly new). That girl was so shocked to see a black belt (my honey) and me (1st gup) that she got nervous. Poor thing. She was so sweet, too. I helped her out, and then she relaxed a bit.

I had so much fun. I can't teach yet, because I'm a little rusty, but that won't last long ;) I'll keep you updated.