No-touch pressure-point KOs?

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Here's my take on this, if people want to be Dragon Ball Z charactures great, if they want to be able to no touch me I'm sitting in my living room watching TV from 9 pm til about 11 pm central standard time, throw you chi balls then; it is Texas State Tournament on saturday 25th with real kicks and punches. Gotta go Please remember between those hours I need my rest.
Ah, the Master in the video was taught by Grand Master George Dillman and he says at the end that he "have absolute faith in what I teach". So if what he teaches doesn't work, as suggested by many posters here, then he is either deluded or lying.

Fortunately for the above Master, many Martialtalk members believe that integrety in what you teach isn't important, that teaching horse poo is the student's fault (, so he is doing nothing that is morally wrong. Go Martialtalk!
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Gentlemen (or ladies, it matters not to I)
You may wish to read this:

Before the game goes afoot, a careful use of the search function will show that the debate has already happened before, and been answered.

If you need me, I'll be over in the far corner standing on 9 toes, with my tongue behind my top left rear molar, a position I am assured will protect me from even the chi blasts of a master.
kickcatcher said:
Ah, the Master in the video was taught by Grand Master George Dillman and he says at the end that he "have absolute faith in what I teach". So if what he teaches doesn't work, as suggested by many posters here, then he is either deluded or lying.

Fortunately for the above Master, many Martialtalk members believe that integrety in what you teach isn't important, that teaching horse poo is the student's fault (, so he is doing nothing that is morally wrong. Go Martialtalk!

Kickcatcher why on earth would you try and bash MartialTalk, this site is beyond that and has opened there views for you and has you for them. We try to be honest and sometimes funny about things, but we always try to stay withen the boundies of the thread. As far as horse poo as you put it and integrety, I have nothing but remorse for your action right now and I hope you are the kind of person that can come back to this thread and set a strong example of a apology to the member of this community.

This is being said as a member and not a Mod. right now, I believe you have some valuable info. that is in a positive way to help this forum and your input can help this site grow with great info. please see your mistake and maybe in a moment you will.
Hello, The thing to think about is? Many things cannot be prove to spirits,ghost,Ki,Qi,Big foot,UFO"S,Phykics?,Gods, according to Scientist who try to prove they are real? NO tangible evidence.

They could be? ...or We can believe it to be true? or just baloney?

It is a personal believe or not to believe? I believe in somethings....... Believe it or not? KI to success..gotta believe....Aloha
terryl965 said:
Kickcatcher why on earth would you try and bash MartialTalk, this site is beyond that and has opened there views for you and has you for them. We try to be honest and sometimes funny about things, but we always try to stay withen the boundies of the thread. As far as horse poo as you put it and integrety, I have nothing but remorse for your action right now and I hope you are the kind of person that can come back to this thread and set a strong example of a apology to the member of this community.

This is being said as a member and not a Mod. right now, I believe you have some valuable info. that is in a positive way to help this forum and your input can help this site grow with great info. please see your mistake and maybe in a moment you will.
I'm not bashing martialtalk - although I think the anti-fraud busting policy is morally irresponsible - that's an aside. If you read the thread I referenced you'll find that the prevailing sentiment among MartialTalk members, at least those that contributed, is that instructors do not have a moral duty to teach credible stuff - i.e. integrety is not a requirement. Therefore those same members would be hypocrytical to be judgemental on Grandmaster Dillman teaching stuff that they themselves have said is ********. I haven't said it is ********.
kickcatcher said:
Fortunately for the above Master, many Martialtalk members believe that integrety in what you teach isn't important, that teaching horse poo is the student's fault (, so he is doing nothing that is morally wrong. Go Martialtalk!

that's not what was being said in the above mentioned thread. in fact, you took words out of context to suit your own cause. in fact, two posters in that thread told you exactly what they meant. you chose to believe otherwise. don't twist things around.

i get the feeling you're trying to start **** to get people fired up. why don't you go play someplace else. i don't know what your motives are with this thread but you're definitely starting to show your colors.

if you got questions about the validity of no-touch KO's, there's more than enough material posted on martialtalk to answer them. take the time to search for them. it's rather easy to do. if you're trying to make a case as to why these NTKO's work, then do it...but leave your childish antics out of it. nobody's really going to give a damn one way or another.

have a nice life.
kickcatcher said:
I'm not bashing martialtalk - although I think the anti-fraud busting policy is morally irresponsible - that's an aside. If you read the thread I referenced you'll find that the prevailing sentiment among MartialTalk members, at least those that contributed, is that instructors do not have a moral duty to teach credible stuff - i.e. integrety is not a requirement. Therefore those same members would be hypocrytical to be judgemental on Grandmaster Dillman teaching stuff that they themselves have said is ********. I haven't said it is ********.

If you find our fraud-busting policy morally irresponsible, I suggest you have your membership here cancelled immediately and find another board which you find more suited to your ideas and beliefs.

To cancel your membership here, you can send a PM to any staff member and your request will be forwarded immediately to the Administration Team for processing.

If that is not what you wish to do, I suggest before you continue with your agenda you take a moment or two to re-read the rules you agreed to in order to secure your membership here. We all must follow them or forfeit our accounts.

If you have any further questions as to MT Policies, you may ask them in the Support Forum.
Sapper6 said:
that's not what was being said in the above mentioned thread. in fact, you took words out of context to suit your own cause. in fact, two posters in that thread told you exactly what they meant. you chose to believe otherwise. don't twist things around.

i get the feeling you're trying to start **** to get people fired up. why don't you go play someplace else. i don't know what your motives are with this thread but you're definitely starting to show your colors.

if you got questions about the validity of no-touch KO's, there's more than enough material posted on martialtalk to answer them. take the time to search for them. it's rather easy to do. if you're trying to make a case as to why these NTKO's work, then do it...but leave your childish antics out of it. nobody's really going to give a damn one way or another.

have a nice life.
Hang on, in your opinion Grandmaster George Dillman is a fraud, you said so earlier. Other people have expressed similar negative attitudes towards him and/or no-touch knock-outs. I haven’t expressed any judgment either way. This forum has an anti-fraud busting policy. You guys are more guilty than I on that count in this thread.
shesulsa said:
If you find our fraud-busting policy morally irresponsible, I suggest you have your membership here cancelled immediately and find another board which you find more suited to your ideas and beliefs.

To cancel your membership here, you can send a PM to any staff member and your request will be forwarded immediately to the Administration Team for processing.

If that is not what you wish to do, I suggest before you continue with your agenda you take a moment or two to re-read the rules you agreed to in order to secure your membership here. We all must follow them or forfeit our accounts.

If you have any further questions as to MT Policies, you may ask them in the Support Forum.
Shesulsa, you don't agree with my views on many self-defence related topic I recall. Don't let prejudice, ego or fear cloud your judgement. I have not broken the policy on fraud busting since I asked Phil Elmore where he learnt his flashlight-fu he's selling in books as self-defence advice. I was warned then and have taken that warning to heart. I am not the one on this thread calling Grandmaster Goerge Dillman a fraud, nor saying that no-touch knockouts are ******** afterall.
Moderator Note:

Thread locked pending Admin. Review.
Fraud-busting is forbidden on these forums.

G Ketchmark / shesulsa
MT Senior Moderator
The bottom line on this is, and I honestly hate saying this, that the majority of the questions, concerns and opinions concerning this particular subject were discussed, to death, a while back. Using the search system will turn up most of those threads, many locked due to the "heat" of the opinions.

My opinion? You want to knock someone out, hit him with a stick. That's why I train FMA.

As to our "Fraud Busting" policy, that is there for several reasons.
1 - Legal Liability Concerns. Right now, we know of at least 1 other forum is engaged in a legal matter concerning comments made concerning a matter of alleged fraud exposure. Some of these alleged frauds have deep pockets, pockets that we do not wish to compare ours with.

2 - Technical and Operational Concerns. It's been our experience that boards that that have a high volume of fraud busting activity, tend to suffer greater technical problems, as well as a much greater number of anonymous trolls whose only goal is to disrupt the site.

While we encourage our members to question, one must remember that our mission is not to expose the frauds, fakirs and bottom feeding scum of the world, but to inform and educate in as open and accessible a way as possible.
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