Mayham on the board! Mayham on the board! Call the Cavelry!!
:jediduel: :biggun: :argue:
lol. OK, just letting you know that I am still "light" here. I don't want people to get too upset over the topic...
Since my opinion is so unpopular, warrenting a lot of responses, I will have to do this by the numbers:
1. First off, I a not a smoker, at least not really. I do enjoy a good cigar now and again, but I don't smoke cigarettes. Furthermore, although I enjoy a good cigar (which is a 1-3 times a month occurance), I don't like nor do I frequent "smoke filled" establishments. So no "selfish" motive here.
2. Still someone has yet to provide evidence of any reports of a death purely as a result of SHS. With all the loud typing going on, and all the supposed evidence on how SHS is this killer that must be stopped (and don't forget god save the children), I find this interesting.
I am not saying that "smoking" isn't bad for you. Of course it is. We have a lot of studies to back that one up. Some of you seem to think that I am claiming that smoking isn't a health risk; I am not. I am saying that smoking is a health risk.... to smokers. I am saying that the risks of SHS are negligable.
The evidence is out there to back this up, particularly because there isn't one cause of great illness or death from SHS alone. If this is such a great "pollutant" and risk that needs to be made illegal, then you would think that we would be able to find at least one case of death.
And if you understand SHS and are a logical human being, you would realize that it disipates in the air. Even in enclosed rooms with little ventalation, SHS makes up such a small % of the surrounding air that the harmful chemicals break down very quickly, making the results of those who breath the surrounding air non-detect. Remember, breathing isn't the same as putting a detection device in a smokey area.
We find this out when we actually monitor peoples bodies who are around SHS. People are throwing a lot of garbage in this thread about the chemicals in cigarettes and air measurement tests and so forth, but none of that matters. What matters when we discuss health is the effects these things have on the
human body. When we monitor that, we are unable to detect any effects of SHS with significance. This is far different then when we monitor people who actually are putting the cigarette to their lips and inhaling.
But, this I am sure will sway none of you who have minds already selfishly (for some) made up. That is OK; but I am still waiting to see some proof here that none of you have been able to provide so far.
So, believe what you want. But it just seems rather smart NOT to inhale a known neurotoxin, as well as allow it to coat your skin and seep in through absorption. Not to mention, I'd rather not reek the way smokers do.
Then you know what.... DON'T go to establishments that are laden with SHS.
With only about 20% of public places in any given local in North America being "smoking" establishments, and with a much smaller % of them being "smoke filled," YOU can choose to go somewhere else. This is the fact that those in support of "smoking bans" neglect.
I have more then 1 friend who is allergic to smoke. So, you know what is awesome? When we go out, we don't have to go to smoke filled places. If we do go to a place that allows smoking, we sit strategically, and it isn't a problem.
Personal choice is an amazing thing. It is too bad that so many people would rather be told what to do, and would rather that individual choices are removed.
4. I also get real tired of the same lard-assed people who might be driving their SUV's (or other gas guzzler) through the "Micky-D's" drive thru to get their hormone filled chicken nuggets and aspertime filled sodas one minute, and barking about how SHS (something that hasn't been proven to cause health risks) is so gross and unhealthy the next. Well, look in the mirror before you talk!
I am sort of tounge and cheek and not pointing fingers to individuals here of course, but if the stats regarding obesity and fast food consumption are reflective of the sample size of people who are reading this thread, then the above description fits a good % of you.
The point is that many of you who crybaby about second hand smoke exhibit far more unhealthy and polluting behaviors that, unlike SHS, have actually been proven to be risky. I think that many of you have worse things that you should be worrying about. Yet, if the government told you that you couldn't do your unhealthy behavior of choice, I would bet you would have a problem with that. Hmmm...makes you think...
5. Why is it, when companies decide to put garbage in things that we consume, our answer is to regulate the civil liberties of the individual? Could it be that the neo-cons are achieving their goals?
If we are going to pass laws at all, we should be passing laws to regulate companies who put poison in our products, not laws that try to regulate the behaviors of individual consumers. There are strong theories that adding some of these chemicals is done intentionally to make consumers more addicted to the product, even though the additives are harmful. Then, we wouldn't even be starting with cigarette companies if we had our heads in the right place. We should start with food companies, many of which all people consume and are harmed from.
See, this is very frightening to me in a way. Supporting a smoking ban is akin to supporting regulation of all sorts of personal behaviors that could be "harmful." Soon enough, we'll all be swiping ID cards to get grocery rations to control obesity, and candybars will be on the black market.
Sounds outragous, because it is. Yet, we continue to lose our rights as as individuals every year with little complaint or action. So... we should be "outraged" rather then saying to ourselves, "It'll never go that far..."
We need to stop trying to regulate every bit of individual behavior. Let people do what they want. If we are concerned with poisons in our products, then we should work to regulate those, inform, and boycott these products rather cashing in our individual rights just so we can selfishly control our neighbors.
6. The health care issue exactly points to what I have been illustrating here regarding a slippery slope to an oppressive society. If France is so concerned about smoking because of the HC system, then where will it go next? "I'm sorry lady, your national ID card states that you have met your food rations for the week."
I am not against a form of national HC, as I agree that those of us who do not have such a system are in crisis. But it has to be done in a minimalist way where there is still some sort of market competition involved.
Because full nationalization now gives grounds for governments to start regulating any and all individual behaviors that might be a "health risk" and a burden to the "collective populus."
If this doesn't seem Orwelling to any of you, then maybe you have come down with a case of the pinko. Yall should get that one checked out... :rofl:
7. Maybe off topic a little, but when upnorth said, "ninja please," I laughed out loud. That was pretty funny and awesome. :ninja: :lol:
8. I say a lot of things in here "tongue and cheek" knowing that my opinion is the minority, and that I won't be very convincing to most of you. But I do think that there are some serious problems here. It is serious that many of you will fail to see my point regarding losing civil liberties. It is even more serious that many more of you will see the point, but will be willing to overlook it anyway for the sake of some sort of collective ideal.
It makes me both worried and sad that the old american ideals of freedom and individualism are almost gone. Well, I'll keep fightin' for them til I die, because that is all I can do.