no kicks again


Senior Master
Yestarday TKD class was a no kick one. Last tuesday Arturo took a class ( I wasn't available that day) with another instructor who is devoted to olimpic TKD (in fact this instructor is preparing himself to become a national champion and I wish him all the luck) and told me the class was brutal, very aerobic, too much cardio and to much kicking techs, obviously Arturo's legs were very sore, he was recovering from this training session.

My intention was to do some kicking drills using the palchagis or the kicking shiled but instead we did kichos (1,2,3,) and three basic one step sparring, my intention is to teach him 5 one steps sparring for the next examination (advanced yellow).

Afther class we chat a little over this and I told Arturo my class would not be sporty entirely, my class is self defense/martial oriented and yes we are going to see kicking combos because TKD is mostly a kicking art but we have so much to cover in other areas too, lyke kyorugi, poomsae, etc,etc.

It was clear to me that my class is not kidie/sporty oriented and it's pure TKD for grown men/women.

I did sweat and exersice a little and this is heping to control my weight too.


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