2nd Black Belt
At one time,our ancestors could travel anywhere in the world without all this hassle of "bio-this", "passport-that" a finger print here, a finger print there,here a finger print,there a fin.....sorry.that mcdonald thing keeps getting in the way.
But...they never had to provide finacial proof of anything or length of residencey...etc..
I know we won't see this in our life time,but do you think it could ever happen again?
and what do you think it would take to accomplish it?
I ab-so-lut-ley refuse to believe its impossible!
could education of future generations be the answer?
But...they never had to provide finacial proof of anything or length of residencey...etc..
I know we won't see this in our life time,but do you think it could ever happen again?
and what do you think it would take to accomplish it?
I ab-so-lut-ley refuse to believe its impossible!
could education of future generations be the answer?