Yes soaring.
When a currency is backed by, or even made of, a real commodity of consistent value then that currencies value will also be consistent. This is why historically currencies were either made of, or backed by, precious metals which hold a constant value by weight and purity. Unfortunately for the state, this made it hard to uncontrollably increase the money supply in order to fund the many wars they wished to participate in, and so they divorced the currency from its commodity backing and left it to “float.” The reason governments can get away with this is because of the
money illusion.
The money illusion refers to the tendency of most people to think of their money in nominal terms instead of real terms. For instance, many people would say that there is no nominal value difference between a five dollar bill now, a five dollar bill ten years ago, and a five dollar bill eighty years ago. However, the reality is that in the last eighty years, the five dollar note has lost so much value, that what was five dollars then would cost you nearly sixty dollars now. Here's a
quick little calculator to show you how worthless your money has become. By disguising the devaluation of the currency through inflation and seigniorage, and relying on the money illusion, the state is able to hide its theft from the people.
Removing taxation would immediately reduce the cost of goods and services by
more than 22 percent. Even worse, since the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913, the federal reserve note has
lost 94% of its purchasing power to inflation. Additionally, by some estimates,
nearly 70% of your money goes back to the government through taxation, tariffs, and fees. This combines to reduce your purchasing power to approximately 1.8 percent of the face value of your currency. In a system with commodity based monies, you would have the full value of your currency, increasing your purchasing power by nearly 5000 percent.
But that's not the end of it. Each dollar collected by government is a dollar not invested in the growth of the economy. A mere 3 percent tax increase from 21 to 24 percent
costs the economy nearly 200 percent of the value of the money taxed over 50 years. And that number increases exponentially with greater taxation. That's money that never existed, was never invested, never earned, and never spent. By removing that money from the economy, government continues to depress the standard of living of all Americans, rich and poor. What's more, in many industries,
wages are growing slower than inflation, so every year, people are actually making less than the year before.
You see, taxation
is soaring, but it isn't the only way the government steals money from the people. In a fiat economy, you can't control the value of your money, or by extension your asset wealth because even if you hide your money under the mattress the government can steal it's value by printing more.
Until our money is backed by
real commodities again, the government will continue to steal from the people through overprinting, hyperinflation, and interest rate manipulation.